Conventional feature extraction methods for speech emotion recognition often suffer from unidimensionality and inadequacy in capturing the full range of emotional cues, limiting their effectiveness. To address these challenges, this paper introduces a novel network model named Multi-Modal Speech Emotion Recognition Network (MMSERNet). This model leverages the power of multimodal and multiscale feature fusion to significantly enhance the accuracy of speech emotion recognition. MMSERNet is composed of three specialized sub-networks, each dedicated to the extraction of distinct feature types: cepstral coefficients, spectrogram features, and textual features. It integrates audio features derived from Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients and Mel spectrograms with textual features obtained from word vectors, thereby creating a rich, comprehensive representation of emotional content. The fusion of these diverse feature sets facilitates a robust multimodal approach to emotion recognition. Extensive empirical evaluations of the MMSERNet model on benchmark datasets such as IEMOCAP and MELD demonstrate not only significant improvements in recognition accuracy but also an efficient use of model parameters, ensuring scalability and practical applicability.
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This work is supported by the science and technology development project of Jilin province [grant number (20210201051GX, 20210203161SF), and the education department project of Jilin province [grant number JJKH20220686KJ].
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All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Conceptualization and Writing—original draft preparation: [Huangshui Hu]; Methodology: [Jie Wei]; Formal analysis and investigation [Chuhang Wang]; Writing—review and editing: [Hongyu Sun], [Shuo Tao].
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Hu, H., Wei, J., Sun, H. et al. Speech emotion recognition based on multimodal and multiscale feature fusion. SIViP 19, 165 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03773-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03773-2