With the rapid development of computer technology, acquiring audio-visual signals in a complex environment is not difficult. Combining the visual information to assist speech separation shows excellent potential. However, the problem of speech signal separation in multiple speakers containing facial information in audio-visual scenes has not been well solved. Due to the strong correlation between the speaker's lip information and the sound signal, this paper, based on atrous convolution Neural Network (DCNN) and U-Net, proposes a DCNN-U-Net speech separation model for audio-visual fusion. The model uses fused signals from lips and audio for training to better focus on the audio signal in the speaker, achieving the effect of aided speech separation. The experiments were tested based on the AVspeech dataset, and the speech separation effect was evaluated using PESQ, STOI, and SDR metrics. The experimental results show that the DCNN-U-Net model has better audio-visual speech separation than the AV and DCNN-LSTM models.

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This research was supported by the Key Project of the "Outstanding Young Teachers Basic Research Support Program" of Heilongjiang Province (No. YQJH2024064), the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (No. LH2020F033), the National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China (No. 11804068), and the Research Project of the Heilongjiang Province Health Commission (No. 20221111001069).
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Chaofeng Lan contributed to the conception of the study and contributed significantly to analysis and manuscript preparation; Lei Zhang and Rui Guo made important contributions in making adjustments to the structure, revising the paper, english editing and revisions of this manuscript; Shunbo Wang performed the experiment、the data analyses and wrote the original manuscript; Meng Zhang made important contributions in making adjustments to the proofread English.
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Appendix B
The detailed data of U-Net up-sampling block and down-sampling block are shown in Table 3 and Table
4, Table
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Lan, C., Guo, R., Zhang, L. et al. Research on DCNN-U-Net speech separation method based on Audio-Visual multimodal fusion. SIViP 19, 269 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-025-03836-y
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-025-03836-y