Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is an emerging paradigm to transparently provide support for demanding tasks on resource-constrained mobile devices by relying on the integration with remote cloud services. Research in this field is tackling the multiple conceptual and technical challenges (e.g., how and when to offload) that are hindering the full realization of MCC. The Networked Autonomic Machine (NAM) framework is a tool that supports and facilitates the design networks of hardware and software autonomic entities, providing or consuming services or resources. Such a framework can be applied, in particular, to MCC scenarios. In this paper, we focus on NAM’s features related to the key aspects of MCC, in particular those concerning code mobility capabilities and autonomic offloading strategies. Our first contribution is the definition of a set of high-level actions supporting MCC. The second contribution is the proposal of a formal semantics for those actions, which provides the core NAM features with a precise formal characterization. Thus, the third contribution is the further development of the NAM conceptual framework and, in particular, the partial re-engineering of the related Java middleware. We show the effectiveness of the revised middleware by discussing the implementation of a Global Ambient Intelligence case study.

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We use a version of Klaim enriched with high-level features, such as assignments, standard control flow constructs, and non-blocking retrieval actions, that simplify the modeling task. All such constructs are directly supported by Klaim related tools (such as, e.g., the analysis tool SAM [26]).
It is worth noticing that an offload request as received by the offload action handler contains more information (in particular, the identity of the destination NAM) with respect to the corresponding actions specified in the policies (see Sect. 3). We assume indeed that this level of transparency is properly managed by the processes modeling the execution of policy actions (i.e., processes \(P_{act}\) within \( PMH \)).
For the sake of simplicity, the formalization does not consider the possibility of copying a functional module without the associated services. However, we do not envisage any difficulties on modeling this feature.
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This work has been partially sponsored by the EU projects ASCENS (257414) and QUANTICOL (600708), and by the Italian MIUR PRIN project CINA (2010LHT4KM).
In this appendix we report and briefly comment the entire Klaim specification of the NAM framework formalization. We start by reviewing the various kinds of tuples used to synchronize the NAMs and to realize mobility actions.
1.1 Control tuples
Service identifiers are bound to functional modules that can offer those services and may be located in a local or remote NAM; services are implemented within a functional module by a process \(Proc\):

Services are accessed through a service request and then dispatched to a specific functional module \( fid \) by a service assignment, if it is a local module, or by a remote service assignment if it is an offloaded module:

Whenever a functional module is offloaded, the host NAM is aware of the identity \(nid\) of the offloading NAM so that it is able to send the module back to the owner on need:

Mobility actions are initiated by (five possible) mobility requests, issued by (NAM or functional module) policies:

When the mobility handler reacts to mobility requests, it sends appropriate mobility commands to the service handler of the corresponding functional module:

and to its policy handler:

Running threads are associated with a functional module and have their own unique identifier \(tid\), used when migrating or offloading the module:

When a migrate/offload action is performed, move requests are issued for each thread:

We expect that thread code is suitably instrumented to handle these move requests and threads behave accordingly.
1.2 NAM control
On arrival of a service request, the dispatcher chooses the appropriate functional module to provide the service:

The policy and mobility handler runs policies and realizes mobility actions:

The copy action handler, on arrival of a copy request, copies all binders by setting the remote NAM as the \( fid \) location, copies the implementations, and sends copy requests to the service and policy handler:

The migrate action handler, on arrival of a migrate request, moves all binders by setting the remote NAM as the \( fid \) location, moves the implementations, the service assignments, and the threads, and sends migrate requests to the service and policy handler:

The offload action handler has been discussed in the paper:

The back action handler \( BH \), on arrival of a back request, sends to the remote NAM a go request with destination \(\mathbf {self}\):

The go action handler has two possible behaviors. The first is performed on the remote NAM and, on arrival of a go request, retrieves the identity of the offloader NAM, sends a notification (\(\mathsf {goNotification}\)) to the offloader NAM with the new location (NAM\(_2\)) so that it can update service bindings accordingly, and moves implementation and threads to the new location. If the new destination NAM\(_2\) is the offloader itself, then it is indeed a back action, and it simply sends back requests to the service and policy handler, and translates remote service assignments to local ones. Otherwise, it performs three sub-steps: (i) it informs NAM\(_2\) of the offloader identity using the \(\mathsf {offloaderNAM}\) tuple, (ii) it sends go requests to the service and policy handler, and (iii) it moves remote (not yet served) service assignments. The second behavior of \( GH \) is performed on the local NAM and reacts to \(\mathsf {goNotification}\) messages by updating service binders to point to the new NAM (possibly, \(\mathbf {self}\)).

1.3 Functional module control
The service assignment handler, in its normal mode operation, has been described in the paper:

In the paper, we have also discussed the behavior of the service assignment handler in its offloaded mode operation:

Similar to the service assignment handler, the policy handler has a normal mode operation, where policies in \(P_N\) are executed on local events and mobility actions are handled in a similar way:

In offloaded mode, the policy handler splits into a local and a remote handler, reacting to local and remote events:

Also in this case, mobility actions are handled similarly to the service handler.
1.4 Macros
We now illustrate some macro code that helps improving code readability and performs crucial operations of the mobility handling process. In these macros, we use the \(\mathbf {while}\) construct with the non-blocking variants of \(\mathbf {in}/\mathbf {read}\) as argument, so we are ensured to consider each tuple of interest at least once. In case of \(\mathbf {read}\) argument, we assume that the semantics of \(\mathbf {while}\) ensures that each tuple is considered at most once. Notably, the \(\mathbf {while}\) loops in our macros code are ensured to terminate, due to a disciplined use of the considered tuples and appropriate boolean conditions on some of their fields.
Service binders can be moved, copied, and updated:

In the first case, each binder is deleted locally and written in the remote location, with a pointer to the remote implementation (we move implementations accordingly). In the second case, we do not consume local binders, but we still update the implementation location in the copy. In the third case, we change the implementation location by replacing those binders that still point to the local implementation (we assume \(nid_{ IMP }\) and \(nid_{ DST }\) are different).
Service assignments can be moved (in their local and remote variants) and also translated from local to remote and back:

Local to remote translation is necessary to move not-yet-served requests in offloading/migration, so that no request is lost. Similarly, remote to local translation is used when offloading is terminated, in a back action.
Implementations can simply be moved or copied:

Finally, we consider macros to handle threads. These can only be moved or started (forced termination is not allowed):

Moving threads of a functional module during offloading or migration is performed by retrieving (and deleting) each thread identifier associated with that module, sending a \(\mathsf {moveThread}\) message (thus relying on the thread ability to react to these requests), and registering the thread in the remote location.
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Amoretti, M., Grazioli, A., Senni, V. et al. A formalized framework for mobile cloud computing. SOCA 9, 229–248 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-014-0169-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-014-0169-3