I use van Heijenoort’s published writings and manuscript materials to provide a comprehensive overview of his conception of modern logic as a first-order functional calculus and of the historical developments which led to this conception of mathematical logic, its defining characteristics, and in particular to provide an integral account, from his most important publications as well as his unpublished notes and scattered shorter historico-philosophical articles, of how and why the mathematical logic, whose he traced to Frege and the culmination of its formative period in the incompleteness results of Gödel, became modern logic, as distinct from the traditional logic of Aristotle, and why and how the logistic tradition that led from Frege through Russell, rather than the algebraic tradition that led from De Morgan and Boole through Peirce and Schröder, came, in his view, to define modern logic.
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Anellis, I.H. Jean van Heijenoort’s Conception of Modern Logic, in Historical Perspective. Log. Univers. 6, 339–409 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11787-012-0055-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11787-012-0055-8