Responsible innovation (RI) is playing a progressively significant role in the developed countries of Europe and North America, but is not as often used as a framework for analysis in developing countries. This article describes how what we term latent or implicit RI was introduced to a large-scale technological project in China: the expansion of the deep-sea port in Dalian. This analysis first reviews the historical development of the port and summarizes the Chinese context since the Reform and Opening that began in the late 1970s. It provides a brief case study of a particular emergency containment pool construction project undertaken by Dalian Port (PDA), uses stakeholder analysis to evaluate the project, identifies key values influencing the work, and considers the extent to which it meets criteria set out in a specific four-dimensional RI methodological framework. We argue that although it does not use RI rhetoric, the PDA in effect practices latent RI which is also in fact becoming manifest. In conclusion we also consider some of the weaknesses of our argument and some ambiguities of RI.

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The work of this paper has been supported by the General Project of Liaoning Social Science Fund “Risk Assessment and Governance of Technological Innovation in Liaoning Province” (Project No. L20BZX006).
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Yan, P., QianWang & Mitcham, C. Taking Responsible Innovation to China: The Dalian Port Development Case. Sci Eng Ethics 28, 4 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-021-00357-y
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-021-00357-y