A desired P2P file sharing system is expected to achieve the following design goals: scalability, routing efficiency and complex query support. In this paper, we propose a powerful P2P file sharing system, PSON, which can satisfy all the three desired properties. PSON is essentially a semantic overlay network of logical nodes. Each logical node represents a cluster of peers that are close to each other. A powerful peer is selected in each cluster to support query routing on the overlay network while the less powerful peers are responsible for the maintenance of shared contents. To facilitate query routing, super peers are organized in form of a balanced binary search tree. By exploiting the concept of semantics, PSON can support complex queries in a scalable and efficient way. In this paper, we present the basic system design such as the semantic overlay construction, query routing and system dynamics. A load balancing scheme is proposed to further enhance the system performance. By simulation experiments, we show that PSON is scalable, efficient and is able to support complex queries.

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Semantic tree is probably the most popular and useful classification hierarchy. Other hierarchies are also possible as shown in [6]. In our work, we use the tree structure to illustrate the design of PSON.
We have identified the fundamental difference between SSW and PSON in Section 2. Here, we simply compare the average search path length of the two systems.
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Li, Y., Ahuja, J., Lao, L. et al. PSON: A scalable P2P file sharing system with efficient complex query support. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 4, 3–22 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-010-0089-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-010-0089-8