Current IP based tracking method include host based traceback method, using traceback module installed in all system to locate the hacker’s real location, network packet method, installing traceback module in location where is possible to observe network packet, IP traceback method, tracebacking real location of IP address altered packet. Various other method has been proposed and all are in theoretical stage where ISP overhead is to be endured. Honeypot decoy server and automatic hacker tracing software and various other methods are being developed, but only can operate in certain enviornments, and is redundant in normal conditions. However, using the ARIT Agent discussed on this paper will not only extract the IP address of abnormal connection, but to pinpoint the location of the user. ARIT agent can extract the IP address by following steps. Transfer of user’s IP address collected through information analysis stored in Database and information gathered by Real IP Scan to IP comparison DB table recorded in ISP centre, then information comparison is made in comparison table to locate the IP address. Finally compared information is sent to security cetnre to notify the user’s safety. Using the 2 channel method proposed on this paper combined with the ARIT agent, user’s Real IP address can be certified with the IP address received from channel 1 through independent authentication server. Through independent authentication server, comparing the IP address obtained from channel 1 and 2, if the user’s location and the real location is different, realising the situation can prove valuble in prevention of further crimes. ARIT agent proves great advantage in prevention of phising or farming attack, pretending to be acquanitance to request financial support, or personal infromation, by analysing location information.

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Kim, YH., Sun, J.H. Extracting real IP address used to connect to P2P messenger using ARIT agent. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 8, 620–630 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-014-0275-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-014-0275-1