Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) has been an effective sensing paradigm by exploiting the pervasive sensor-rich mobile devices for sensor data collection. Online task assignment is an important issue for mobile crowdsensing since tasks typically arrive dynamically and need to be handled in an online manner. In this paper, we study online task assignment for maximizing the total profit of the MCS platform while satisfying the time window requirement of each task. We first describe the crowdsensing model and then study the online task assignment in the following two different scenarios: (1) user-offline-arriving scenario, where all users are fully available throughout the whole sensing period and their movements are fully planned by the platform; (2) user-online-arriving scenario, where users arrive and depart dynamically and each user has a specific participatory time window for task executions. For the former scenario, we propose a benchmark algorithm and also an online heuristic algorithm. The benchmark algorithm tries to provide a best-case performance by assuming all future task arrival information is known in advance. The online algorithm adopts bipartite-matching-based strategy for task assignment and further performs minimal detour based data offloading for reducing the data upload cost, whenever possible. For the latter scenario, we propose an effective online algorithm, which adopts a maximum-profit-first strategy for task assignment and also minimal detour based data offloading for reduction of data upload cost whenever applicable. For all the proposed algorithms, we present their detailed design and deduce their time complexities. Extensive simulations are conducted and the results demonstrate that our proposed algorithms can largely increase the total profit of the platform as compared with existing work.

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Note that the weights of edges in a bipartite graph are all calculated this way in later algorithms proposed in this paper, whenever applicable.
In this paper, we focus on scenarios where the duration of a timeslot is quite long such that the mean number of task arrivals in a timeslot is much larger than one. In this case, the total number of timeslots will be much smaller than the (mean) total number of tasks (i.e., q < < qn). Thus, the applicability condition for using counting sorting holds.
This problem is also known as the pilgrimage to castrum problem, which can be briefly described as follows. There was a vendor, who worked at a bazaar. Each day he went to the bazaar from his home. But before reaching the bazaar, he always went first to a circular castrum to worship the statue of Apollo, which could be done at any boundary point of the castrum. The problem is thus to find a worship point which minimizes the total travel distance from his home to the worship point and then all way to the bazaar.
It should be noted that, in the deduction of the complexity of the benchmark algorithm in the preceding subsection, we used n to represent the average number of tasks ending in a timeslot. Here, we use n to represent the average number of tasks arriving in a timeslot. The reason we can use n to represent both variables is because, in the long term, we have the average number of tasks arriving in a timeslot equals the average number of tasks ending in a timeslot. The reason is as follows. Since the value of T does not affect the conclusion, we here simply choose T = 0. Without loss of generality, the duration of a task is assumed to be uniformly chosen from {1, 2, …, k} timeslots and the number of tasks arrived in a slot is n, then the number of tasks ending in a slot is due to the contribution of its preceding k – 1 timeslots and also the current timeslot, each contributing an average number of (1/k)n tasks. Obviously, the expected total number of tasks ending in a slot is also n.
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This work was supported in part by the NSF of China under Grant No. 61872331, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada (Discovery Grant RGPIN-2018–03792), and the InnovateNL SensorTECH Grant 5404–2061-101.
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Shuo Peng formulated the problems, designed the algorithms, did the simulation coding and debugging job, and prepared the original draft. Kun Liu involved part of the algorithms design and complexity deduction. Shiji Wang involved the writing, review, editing, and project administration. Yangxia Xiang involved the simulation software development and validation. Baoxian Zhang supervised this work, involved the writing, review, editing, and also funding acquisition. Cheng Li involved the writing, review, editing, and also funding acquisition.
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Here, we describe how to find the point X leading to the minimal length of path A–X-B to resolve the pilgrimage to castrum problem.
A Cartesian coordinate system is first constructed (see Fig. 16). Given the user’s initial location (denoted by A), the user’s target location (denoted by B), and the circular castrum, which is centered at O and has a radius r, the problem is to find the point X leading to the minimal length of path A–X-B. Denote the coordinate of A as (xA, 0), the coordinate of B as (xB, yB). Denote ∠AOX as θ, ∠AOB as α. Then we have the coordinate of point X as (r⋅cosθ, r⋅sinθ).
By using geometric methods, we can find the point X which leads to the minimal distance of path A–X-B satisfies ∠AXM = ∠BXN. Then we have tan∠AXM = tan∠BXN. So we have:
Since cos(α-θ) = cosα⋅cosθ + sinα⋅sinθ and sin(α-θ) = sinα⋅cosθ—cosα⋅sinθ, we have:
Denote \(tan\frac{\theta }{2}=x\), then we have:
Combine Eqs. (22), (23) and (24) together, we have:
Equation (25) is a quartic equation with unknown quantity x. By using some math tools (such as Matlab), the equation can be easily solved. Then we can get the value of θ (i.e., ∠AOX). Therefore, the coordinate of point X can be obtained.
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Peng, S., Liu, K., Wang, S. et al. Time window-based online task assignment in mobile crowdsensing: Problems and algorithms. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 16, 1069–1087 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-023-01454-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-023-01454-4