In this paper an estimator for geoid is presented and applied for geoid computation which considers the topographic and atmospheric effects on the geoid. The total atmospheric effect is mathematically developed in terms of spherical harmonics to degree and order 2,160 based on a recent static atmospheric density model. Also the contribution of its higher degrees is formulated. Another idea of this paper is to combine one of the recent Earth gravity models (EGMs) of the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) mission with EGM08 and the terrestrial gravimetric data of Fennoscandia in an optimum way. To do so, the GOCE EGMs are compared with the Global Positioning System (GPS)/levelling data over the area for finding the most suited one. This comparison is done in two different ways: with and without considering the errors of the EGMs. Comparison of the computed geoids with the GPS/levelling data shows that a) considering the total atmospheric effect will improve the geoid by about 5 mm, b) GOCO03S is the most suited GOCE EGM for Fennoscandia, c) the errors of some of the GOCE EGMs are optimistic and far from reality. Combination of GOCO03S from degree 120 to 210 and EGM08 for the rest of degrees shows its good quality in these frequencies.
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The first author is thankful to the Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) for supporting projects 98/09:1 and 82/11. The Land Survey of Sweden (LMV) and Dr. Jonas Ågren are acknowledged for providing the GPS/levelling data of Sweden, gravity and topographic data of Fennoscandia. Dr. Mette Weber is appreciated for providing the GPS/levelling data of Denmark, Professor Dag Solheim for Norwegian ones and Dr. Veikko Saaranen for those of Finland. Professor Hassan A. Babaei and his reviewing board are acknowledged for their comments to the manuscript.
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Eshagh, M., Ebadi, S. Geoid modelling based on EGM08 and recent Earth gravity models of GOCE. Earth Sci Inform 6, 113–125 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-013-0115-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-013-0115-5