Derivative and volatility attributes calculated for well-log versus depth sequences extract characteristics that can be usefully exploited by automated machine-learning (ML) lithofacies classification models. That information is valuable for wellbores that have a restricted suite of recorded well logs and no cores recovered, limiting the detailed geological information available. In this study, a ten-well dataset, calibrated with core information, from the large Panoma gas Field (Kansas, U.S.A), with a suite of five well logs through a complex Lower Permian carbonate and siliciclastic lithofacies sequence is evaluated with seven ML models. Detailed cross-validation. feature selection analysis identifies that the volatility of the neutron-density porosity log added to the five recorded well logs improves lithofacies classification performance with this dataset without recourse to geological input. The support vector classifier (SVC) provides the most accurate facies class prediction of the ML models tested, achieving prediction accuracy of 61.2% with this six feature dataset. However, the addition of calculated facies boundary influence attributes further improves the SVC’s facies class prediction accuracy to 77.2% (weighted average F1 score of 0,7620) for data unseen by the trained model. Training, validation and unseen data testing of the ML models reveals that the SVC model is less prone to overfitting than the other ML models evaluated with the attribute enhanced datasets. In the absence of detailed geological inputs, such attribute-enhanced well-log datasets can be used to reliably locate target reservoir lithofacies, such as high productivity zones associated with high porosity and permeability, with automated ML models.

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• Well-log derivative, volatility and boundary attributes aid complex lithology facies classification where limited geological data is available
• Support vector classifier is able to avoid overfitting complex attribute-enhanced dataset making it more generalizable to unseen data than other machine learning models evaluated
• Neutron-density log volatility combined with boundary influence attributes form an effective facies discriminator for complex carbonate / siliciclastic sequences.
Appendix A. Metrics used to predict lithofacies classification performance
Appendix A. Metrics used to predict lithofacies classification performance
A combination of traditional regression-type error metrics and classification accuracy metrics are used in this study to assess the performance of machine-learning models in predicting complex limestone lithofacies. These are displayed in Fig. 13.
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Wood, D.A. Carbonate / siliciclastic lithofacies classification aided by well-log derivative, volatility and sequence boundary attributes combined with machine learning. Earth Sci Inform 15, 1699–1721 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-022-00829-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-022-00829-0