Coal-water resources are always necessities for industrial production and living needs. However, a sharp contradiction exists between coal exploitation and groundwater protection. One of the most important steps is to investigate the aquifer water yield property (WYP). In this study, the Dananhu No.7 coal mine is considered as a study case to analyze the WYP zonation of the middle Jurassic sandstone aquifer. The entropy weight method (EWM) and criteria importance through intercriteria correlation (CRITIC) are applied to determine the weights of evaluation indicators, separately. The combination weight matrix is obtained using the least square method (LSM). After that, we utilize the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method (FCEM) to identify the zonation of aquifer water yield property. The WYP levels are divided into level I—level IV. The water inflow of the panels and the water release volume of the holes further verify the prediction accuracy. Besides, comparison methods, including CRITIC, EWM, and principal component analysis (PCA), are selected to illustrate the superiority of the nonlinear combination method. The results show most of the area is covered by the level II and III zones, while the level I and IV zones only appear near the southern and northeastern regions. The prediction performance of the nonlinear combination method is better than that of other methods after comparison. Finally, a management concept of coal-water dual resources is proposed through the safety and feasibility analysis. This study can serve as a scientific reference to realize eco-environment protection and safe mining for western China mining areas.

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Data availability
No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.
- WYP:
Water yield property
- EWM:
Entropy weight method
Criteria importance through intercriteria correlation
- LSM:
Least square method
Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method
- AHP:
Analytic hierarchy process
Fuzzy Delphi analytic hierarchy process
Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
Fuzzy improved analytic hierarchy process
- DEM:
Digital elevation model
- PCA:
Principal component analysis
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The research was jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42372316), the project of “Enlisting and Leading” of China Coal (2022JB01), the Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province (KYCX23_2760), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2023XSCX003), and the Graduate Innovation Program of China University of Mining and Technology (2023WLKXJ003).
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Jingzhong Zhu: Conceptualization, Software, Writing-Original Draft, Funding Acquisition; Yuguang Zhang: Methodology; Wenping Li: Supervision, Writing-Reviewing, Funding Acquisition; Qiqing Wang: Editing, Formal Analysis; Zhigang Ma: Data Curation; Xiaoqin Li: Writing-Reviewing. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
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Zhu, J., Zhang, Y., Li, W. et al. Spatial distribution characteristics in water yield property of middle Jurassic sandstone aquifers using nonlinear combination method. Earth Sci Inform 18, 142 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-024-01609-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-024-01609-8