With regard to success and survival of a company, risk management is essentially important. Numerous insolvencies and financial crises have brought this complex issue to the attention of managers and scientists to a greater extent. There have already been rudimentary conceptual and empirical approaches to Supply Chain Risk Management. From analyzing conceptual papers and empirical studies, an integrative summary of the previous research is developed in order to identify the main principles of Supply Chain Risk Management and evolutionary steps for its implementation. This approach provides a framework for further analysis and exploration of Supply Chain Risk Management.

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Pfohl, HC., Köhler, H. & Thomas, D. State of the art in supply chain risk management research: empirical and conceptual findings and a roadmap for the implementation in practice. Logist. Res. 2, 33–44 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12159-010-0023-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12159-010-0023-8