Fractional calculus is recognized as a technique with many uses, along with studying biological systems. This article frames the mathematical model for the nonlinear fractional differential equations system involving caputo fractional derivative for Chemo-Radiation therapy of a brain tumor. The system is investigated for the model’s stability analysis, existence, and uniqueness. The impact of a fractional differential equation on the analysis of the described model is examined by utilizing Caputo Fractional operator. Stability analysis is discussed under three categories: without any therapy, with chemotherapy, and with chemo-radiotherapy treatment. However, numerical simulations have been utilized to investigate the model on fractional order derivative. The graphs have been displayed for the three treatments using various values for the fractional order. This analysis suggests that combination therapy could lead to tremendous success in treating gliomas.

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Sujitha, S., Jayakumar, T. & Maheskumar, D. Fractional model of brain tumor with chemo-radiotherapy treatment. J. Appl. Math. Comput. 69, 3793–3818 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12190-023-01901-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12190-023-01901-8