This paper addresses a new variant of location-routing problem (LRP), namely the LRP with simultaneous pickup and delivery (LRPSPD). A hyper-heuristic approach based on iterated local search (ILS-HH) is introduced to automatically optimize the LRPSPD. On basis of the novel proposed framework of hyper-heuristic, four selections mechanisms and five activation strategies are developed to examine the performance of the proposed framework. Three types computational evaluations were carried out and several conclusions can be drawn: (1) the proposed framework performs better than the classical one with performing several heavy-duty combinations of strategies in terms of solution quality and computing time; (2) different activated strategies have slight (not significant) effect on exploiting best solutions; (3) FRR-MAB-TS (fitness ratio rank based on multi-armed bandit with tabu search) works best among all selection methods. Moreover, the proposed approach could provide competitive, even better results compared to fine-tuned bespoke state-of-the-art approaches.

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Authors thank Professor Yu. V.F. and Lin. S.Y. for providing assistance during the experiment, and anonymous referees and editors for their constructive comments, time and patience devoted to the review of this paper. The presented research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61572438, 61873240, 61402409), Science Technology plan project of Zhejiang (No. 2017C33224) and National Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang (No. Y19F030052).
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Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Table of acronyms
A | |
AM | All moves |
Avg. | Average |
B | |
BC | Brand-and-cut |
BKS | Best known solution |
C | |
CS | Selection of HC |
E | |
ELS | Evolutionary local search |
FLP | Facility location problem |
FRR-MAB | Fitness ratio rank based on multi-armed bandit |
FRR-MAB-TS | FRR-MAB combined with TS |
G | |
GA | Genetic algorithm |
GD | Great deluge |
GH | Greedy heuristic |
H | |
HC | Hill climber |
HH | Hyper-heuristic |
HLH | High-level heuristic |
I | |
IE | Improving and equal |
ILS | Iterated local search |
L | |
LLH | Low-level heuristic |
LRP | Location-routing problem |
LRPSPD | LRP with simultaneous pickup and delivery |
M | |
MC | Monte Carlo |
MDVRP | Multi-depot vehicle routing problem |
MH | Mutational heuristic |
MS | Selection of MH |
O | |
OI | Only improving |
R | |
RD | Random descend |
RKGH | Regret-k greedy heuristic |
RP | Random permutation |
S | |
SA | Simulated annealing |
SR | Simple random |
T | |
TS | Tabu search |
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Zhao, Y., Leng, L. & Zhang, C. A novel framework of hyper-heuristic approach and its application in location-routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery. Oper Res Int J 21, 1299–1332 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-019-00480-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-019-00480-6