Our paper deals with a combinatorial optimization problem called the optimal network and quadratic assignment problem. The problem has been introduced by Los (Region Sci Urban Econ 8:21–42, 1978) as a model of an urban planning problem that consists in optimizing simultaneously the best location of the activities of an urban area (land-use), as well as the road network design (transportation network) in such a way to minimize as much as possible the routing and network costs. We propose a mixed-integer programming formulation of the problem, and a hybrid algorithm based on greedy and evolutionary heuristic methods. Some numerical experiments on randomly generated instances, and on real-life big data from Dakar city, show the efficiency of the method.

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The authors are grateful to John Catherall and James Bleach (the õbex project) for their editorial support. As well as to the two reviewers for their valuable comments that help to improve the paper quality.
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Baldé, M.A.M.T., Gueye, S. & Ndiaye, B.M. A greedy evolutionary hybridization algorithm for the optimal network and quadratic assignment problem. Oper Res Int J 21, 1663–1690 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-020-00549-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-020-00549-7