This paper addresses the problem of supplying provisions to civilians affected by an emergency and to the intervention groups that provide post emergency relief. We define the Emergency Supply using Heterogeneous Fleet Problem (ESHFP) using a Mixed Integer Linear Programming mathematical model that describes the complexities involved in these operations. Furthermore, we propose a novel heuristic algorithm which constructs a plan comprising a set of efficient vehicle routes in order to minimize the total supply time, respecting constraints concerning timing, demand, capacity and supply. The characteristics of the problem have been studied by solving an extensive set of test cases. The efficiency and practicality of the algorithm has been tested by applying it to a large scale ESHFP instance and to a case study involving a forest fire in the Province of Teruel, Spain.

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This research has been co-financed by the European Commission (DG ECHO) under the MELOGIC project (ECHO/SUB/2014/695769). The authors would like to thank the rest of the project partners namely European University Cyprus (EUC), Caritas Diocesana de Teruel, HANKEN School of Economics, and Red Cross Italy (Vicenza Chapter), and especially Professor George Boustras, Professor Gyöngyi Kovács, Mr. Pierandrea Turchetti, and Mr. Jose Guillen.
The funding was provided by EU Civil Protection Mechanism (Grant No. ECHO/SUB/2014/695769) - MELOGIC project.
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Appendix A
1.1 Input data for the theoretical case study
Table 4, presents the demand points (shelters D1–D10) to be supplied, and the demand (in appropriate units, e.g. boxes) at each shelter per commodity (C1–C6). The demand values were generated from appropriate random distributions. The coordinates of the demand points are generated from the uniform distribution \(U \left( {0,50} \right)\) under the constraint that their Euclidian distance from the origin (0,0) is between 30 and 50.
Table 5, presents the available vehicles (V1- V15) along with the corresponding capacity in \(m^{3}\) (randomly generated) and their starting locations (S.L.).The coordinates of vehicles’ starting locations are generated from the uniform distribution \(U\left( {0,20} \right)\) under the constraint that their Euclidian distance from the origin (0,0) is between 0 and 20.
Table 6 presents the supply points (S1–S16) and the inventory per commodity per supply point. A total inventory of 250 pallets is considered and it is distributed almost equally (\(\sigma^{2}\) = low, see Sect. 5) to the supply points. The coordinates of the supply points are generated from the uniform distribution \(U\left( {0,20} \right)\) under the constraint that their Euclidian distance from (0,0) is between 0 and 20.
Appendix B
2.1 Output data for the theoretical case study
Table 7 presents the routes operated, the corresponding vehicle per route, the route’s starting and ending times, the sequence of visits to the supply points and the corresponding supplies collected, the sequence of visits at the demand points and the corresponding supplies delivered.
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Fragkos, M.E., Zeimpekis, V., Koutras, V. et al. Supply planning for shelters and emergency management crews. Oper Res Int J 22, 741–777 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-020-00557-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-020-00557-7