1 Introduction

Recent advances in robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) make daily interactions with intelligent robots a close reality [1, 2]. A key factor for the acceptance of robots by humans is the social interaction and norm awareness of these robots [3]. Human behaviors and interactions are heavily regulated by social and personal norms [4, 5], which determine how people (should) behave in different situations, and improve their interactions by facilitating cooperation and communication [6]. The ability of the robots to understand and reason about human social norms improves the naturalness and effectiveness of the human-robot interaction and collaboration [7, 8]. In healthcare applications, for example, this implies higher chances for a patient to establish trust in an assistive robot, improving both the acceptance of the robot by the patient and the effectiveness of the therapeutic interventions [9].

Incorporating the norms within the real-time automated reasoning and decision-making of social robots requires approaches that can deal with the uncertainty, dynamics, and impreciseness of social norms.Footnote 1 [12, 13].

In recent years, some practical approaches have begun to appear in the context of social and socially assistive robotics [12, 13] to overcome the limitations of traditional logics (e.g, deontic logic [14]), historically studied for normative reasoning of intelligent systems [15,16,17], but generally computationally intractable for real-time applications such as that of human-robot interaction [18,19,20]. For example, within the project CARESSES EU-Japan [21, 22], Bruno et al. [11] propose a framework for culture-aware robots based on fuzzy logic control. Fuzzy logic [23] is a non-traditional logic that allows to reason according to IF-THEN rules, whose core components are expressed via ambiguous and imprecise non-quantified linguistic terms. Fuzzy logic Inference Systems (FISs) use membership functions to specify the degree to which an element belongs to a fuzzy set of elements. For example, a distance of 2 meters can be considered as medium with a degree of 0.7 (on a scale [0, 1]), and at the same time as low with a degree of 0.5.

This characteristic of fuzzy logic makes it particularly suitable for automated inference and decision-making of robots in social contexts [24, 25], since the available and relevant knowledge (e.g., the preference, needs and background of a patient and the knowledge of the therapists) is often expressed via (fuzzy and ambiguous) linguistic terms. Preliminary studies [11, 26] have shown that fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference can effectively be used by social robots to autonomously reason about and to properly react to social norms such as proxemics based on cultural or individual preferences.

Existing works, however, are still preliminary and are mainly focused on specific case studies [8]. The state-of-the-art currently lacks a general framework for social robotics that supports high-level reasoning and decision-making while leveraging the practical advantages of fuzzy logic for modeling and reasoning about the norms. Moreover, a great majority of the existing works on normative reasoning does not consider norm revision and adaptation, despite their essence for dealing with (social) norms, which are intrinsically dynamic [4]. Norm revision and adaptation are currently an open challenge for computational normative systems [3, 27, 28].

In this paper, we introduce a novel adaptive control architecture: SONAR (for SOcial Norm Aware Robots). SONAR is a general-purpose and robot-agnostic architecture that leverages, on the one hand, the practical BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) reasoning model [29] for high-level explainable [30, 31] automated decision-making of social robots, and on the other hand, fuzzy logic to provide adaptive norm-aware capabilities for these robots. We also contribute with a novel norm adaptation mechanism, based on the fuzzy context adaptation technique [32], for learning and adapting (the meaning of) social and personal norms at run-time, and for autonomously determining adequate behaviors in a society.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Setup of the experiments with the Nao robot (top figure), and a snapshot of one experiment during a role-playing activity where the robot is expected to adapt to the norms within a hierarchical situation (bottom figure)

We run several exploratory experiments in the context of human-robot interaction using a Python 3.9 implementation of SONAR to steer the behavior of a NAO robot [33] in scenarios of casual human-robot conversations (see Fig. 1). Our experiments assess the feasibility and applicability of SONAR, and the perception of the human about various aspects (e.g., naturalness) of the social interaction of the robot, in comparison with an alternative robot that does not leverage social and normative reasoning, nor proactive behaviors. Additionally, we evaluate the proposed norm adaptation mechanisms by investigating, via computer-based simulation, the extent to which the robot can learn the social norms of different societies.

We publicly release the source code of SONAR and the results of our experiments, including an extensive data set of the corresponding human-robot interactions (see [34]). The data includes 50 conversations that occurred during our experiments between humans and Nao, where the answers of the robot were autonomously generated using a GPT-based large language model. The videos of the interactions are available upon request (via [35]).

The rest of this paper is structured as it follows. Section 2 provides a background discussion on related literature. Section 3 describes the proposed control architecture, SONAR, as well as the proposed mechanisms for norm adaptation in the course of human-robot interactions. Sections 4 and 5 represent, respectively, the setup and results of the experiments including real-life human-robot interactions. Section 6 reports on the evaluation of the proposed norm adaptation via computer-based simulations. Finally, Sect. 7 concludes the paper and proposes topics for future research.

2 Related Work

As a fundamental concept for coordinating human activities in societies [5, 36], (social) norms have been studied in a variety of different fields, including sociology [37, 38], philosophy [14, 39], economics [40, 41], AI [27, 28] and social robotics [7, 8, 10]. According to Castelfranchi et al. [42], in order to be considered norm-aware, autonomous agents, including social robots, should be able to recognize whether or not a norm exists for the given context, and to deliberately follow or violate these norms. Rato et al. [43], in line with Dignum et al. [44, 45], identify design principles for socio-cognitive systems to make them norm-aware. These include the capacity of the system to (i) construct a social context by ascribing social meaning to sensory information, (ii) adapt its behavior according to the social context, and (iii) attribute social categories to social actors. On the same lines, Castro et al. [46] discuss the following requirements for social agency of robots: (a) the behavior of a social agent must be rationally motivated by beliefs, desires, and intentions, (b) the agent must identify other agents and vary its behavior accordingly, (c) the agent must exhibit a tendency to engage in interactions, (d) the agent must be capable of understanding the behaviors of themselves and other agents, in terms of expectations generated by social norms, rules, and conventions, and should modify their behavior accordingly.

Among the decision-making models for intelligent systems in line with the requirements for social agency outlined above, the belief-desire-intention (BDI) reasoning model [29] has gained wide attention in AI and social simulation [47,48,49,50], leading to a variety of BDI-based architectures [51, 52] and (Agent Oriented) programming languages [53,54,55]. The BDI model implements the main aspects of Bratman’s theory of human practical reasoning [29] by attributing to the agent mental states such as beliefs, desires, and intentions, and by characterizing the deliberation and reasoning of the agents in terms of these mental states [56]. Beliefs represent the informational state of the agent, i.e., beliefs about the world and rules of beliefs propagation (which beliefs can be derived from others). Desires (also often called goals) represent the motivational state of the agent, i.e., the objectives or situations that the agent would like to accomplish or bring about. Intentions represent the deliberative state of the agent, i.e., what the agent has chosen to do (has begun executing a plan). (Designing Buildings for Real Occupants: An Agent-Based Approach - Andrews) Castelfranchi [57] represent norms as mental objects that interact with beliefs, goals, and plans, and that impact the generation and selection of the goals and plans. Dignum et al. [58] discuss how to integrate deontic events as normative beliefs in BDI in the context of social agents.

BDI has been employed in social robotics in some preliminary studies, for example to add proactivity to robots (see [59,60,61,62]). The literature on social robotics that considers both BDI and social norms, however, is scarce. Among the few works, worth noting is that of Ribino et al. [63], where a framework similar to ours is presented, but specifically tailored for an indoor environmental quality monitoring case study.

Social norms in social robotics have been considered from many points of view. These include studies on social cues, such as robotic gaze responsiveness [64], the integration of affective computing techniques in robots [65], and studies on the effect of robot’s visual appearance and robot’s encouragement on people’s perceptions and behavior [66, 67]. Recently, Kola et al. [68] suggested that the use of the DIAMONDS taxonomy of eight major dimensions of situation characteristics, proposed by Rauthmann et al. [69], can allow intelligent systems to perceive the social elements of a situation and to comprehend their meaning. Rauthmann et al. [69] analyzed the correlation between 30 different situation cues, i.e., physical and objective elements of a situation (e.g., who is present in a situation, what activity is taking place, etc.), and the 8 DIAMONDS situation characteristics (i.e., Duty, Intellect, Adversity, Mating, Positivity, Negativity, Deception, and Sociality) that represent social and psychological meanings of situations, for the two different societies of United States and Austria. They report, for example, that in the Austrian sample, duty had a positive correlation with the “working, studying” situation cue (with a correlation coefficient of 0.60) and a negative correlation with “TV, movies” (with a correlation coefficient of 0.31). Social behaviors of robots have also been studied in the context of social planning [70] and in healthcare contexts [71].

Despite the numerous works, many challenges still exist, especially concerning normative reasoning and representation [8]. In a recent survey, Avelino et al. [8] highlight that most existing works present a fixed pipeline of modules tailored for specific applications, and indicate that representation and learning of social norms is still an open challenge as many approaches do not support an explicit way to incorporate new norms.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Illustration of SONAR, the adaptive control architecture for SOcial Norm Aware Robots

Among the exceptions, Carlucci et al. [72] propose the use of Petri-nets to represent social norms explicitly. Wasik et al. [10] describe an approach, based on the concept of institutions, to introduce normative aspects into robot behaviors for mixed human-robot societies that adhere to human-defined norms. Fuzzy logic has recently shown potential for normative modeling and reasoning [12, 13, 25]. Bruno et al. [11], propose a framework for culture-aware robots based on fuzzy logic control. Similarly, Vitiello et al. [26] have shown that fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference can be effectively used by social robots to autonomously reason about, and react to, social norms such as proxemics behaviors, i.e., to determine the appropriate distance to keep from humans in different circumstances based on cultural or individual preferences. Besides some primarily theoretical attempts for bringing BDI and fuzzy logic together [73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81], little or no work exists on the combination of BDI and fuzzy logic in the context of norm-aware social robots.

3 SONAR: Proposed Architecture for Making Social Robots Norm-Aware

This section describes SONAR, the proposed adaptive control architecture for social norm-aware robots. First, we explain the main elements of SONAR, and how these elements interact with each other. Next, we provide the details on how the architecture allows for social and norm-aware reasoning. Finally, we discuss how learning and adaptation of the norms may occur in SONAR.

3.1 Main Elements of SONAR

Figure 2 illustrates the main elements of the architecture. SONAR follows the design principles for the development of intelligent rational cognitive social agents identified by Rato et al. [43] and Castro et al. [46], summarized in Sect. 2. In SONAR, first the inputs perceived by the robot via its sensors from the environment are transformed into beliefs that characterize the current operating context (see worker and manager agents in Fig. 2), and are given a social interpretation using fuzzy rules (see social interpreters in Fig. 2). These rules characterize the social norms for the interpretation of the physical reality [36, 82]. Moreover, before execution, the actions of the robot are assessed through a social qualification procedure in order to ensure that they are socially adequate based on the identified social context (see social qualifiers in Fig. 2).

Technically speaking, SONAR is a Multi Agent System (MAS) [83], where multiple agents autonomously and asynchronously operate and interact with each other via message passing.Footnote 2 Designing SONAR as a multi-agent system ensures a distributed execution of the different components. Besides extensibility, maintainability, and flexibility, this also implies computational efficiency. Different agents within SONAR can technically run on entirely different machines, including dedicated high-performing clusters, if needed. Three types of agents operate in SONAR according to their tasks and roles that characterize a hierarchy in the MAS: the worker agent type, the manager agent type (a special type of worker agent) and the BDI agent. Figure 2 depicts two worker agents, one manager agent and one BDI agent. The number of worker and manager agents is meant for illustrative purposes and aims at clearly showing the hierarchy of agents in the MAS. However, SONAR does not pose any restriction on the number of worker and manager agents. While it is technically possible for multiple BDI agents to exist in SONAR if adequately coordinated, in this paper we consider only one BDI agent that handles the main reasoning cycle of the robot. Next, we explain these different types of agents.

Worker agents Worker agents are MQTTFootnote 3 clients. Worker agents regularly and autonomously collect and publish data from and to the MQTT broker. Worker agents subscribe to MQTT topics to receive sensor data exposed by an MQTT broker, and they send directives to the robot actuators by publishing such directives to the MQTT broker. Worker agents can process, aggregate, and modify the data according to their particular tasks (e.g., a chatter agent deals with communication-related tasks, while a norm adapter agent deals with norm adaptation). Additionally, each worker agent cyclically performs a default behavior wherein it asynchronously awaits messages from other agents without blocking the execution of its own tasks or those of other agents.Footnote 4 Upon receiving a message, the agent processes it accordingly. For example, a posture handler agent awaits directives and information from the BDI agent on adjusting some of the robot’s actuators, such as rotating its head. A vision handler agent awaits requests from a manager agent to communicate the most recent vision-related data, such as detected objects.

Manager agents Manager agents regularly–i.e, at periodic intervals– request information from relevant worker agents, which are specified for each manager agent, and represent their data sources. The length of the interval depends on the types of data collected by the manager agent from the worker agents, and on the need to ensure adequate real-time human-robot interactions.Footnote 5 After requesting data from their data sources, the manager agents shortly (at most until the end of the current interval) and asynchronously wait for data to be received. Once data is received by all data sources (or once the timeout is reached), the manager agents aggregate the data and produce beliefs to communicate, when requested, to the BDI agent. Since a manager agent is a special type of a worker agent, it also cyclically awaits messages from other agents. In particular, manager agents await a request for new beliefs from the BDI agent. Manager agents have more direct communications with the BDI agent than worker agents. This helps minimizing the communications between the BDI agent and other agents, and allows manager agents to prepare data for the BDI agents that requires information from multiple sources. For example, in order to create a message said(davide, hello), it is necessary to collect data from both the camera of the robot (for detecting the face of the human and identifying their identity, in this case Davide) and from the microphones (for identifying the verbal message “hello” communicated via the human).

BDI agent The BDI agent cyclically performs the sense, reason, and act deliberation activities [47]. During the sense activity, the agent requests to the (manager) agents to send new perceived beliefs, i.e., beliefs that are inferred based on the data perceived via the sensors of the robot. The set of data that is perceived at a certain instant via all sensors of the robot is referred to as context, because, from the robot’s perspective, such data characterizes the circumstances in which the robot is operating. If new perceived beliefs are communicated, the BDI agent performs the reason activity: First, (i) the BDI agent uses the perceived beliefs in order to infer, via belief propagation rules, additional beliefs that can be inferred (e.g., if the perceived belief is that person p is visible, then the agent can infer the belief that p is the person the robot should interact with). Every time a (perceived or inferred) belief is generated, the BDI agent stores it both in its belief base and in a short-term memory moduleFootnote 6. In the belief base, this belief is used for reasoning and is revised when new beliefs are generated. The short-term memory module tracks the previous beliefs and observations (e.g., to spontaneously trigger a conversation about an object that has been perceived for the first time in recent memory). Then, (ii) the BDI agent performs social and normative reasoning via inference rules that determine which norms apply in the current context, which actions and goals are prohibited or obliged, and what the social role of the robot is. Finally, (iii) the BDI agent triggers goals, and selects plans according to its plan base and to the active norms. The execution order of the concurrent plans, and the mechanisms to handle conflicting information, both depend on the design of the BDI agent. For instance, the BDI agent may be designed to set plan priorities through the rule ordering in AgentSpeak [53].Footnote 7 In our implementation of SONAR evaluated in the experiments described in Sect. 4, the priority given to different aspects during reasoning is as follows: greeting \(\succ \) robot commands (e.g., to shut down) \(\succ \) posture \(\succ \) perceived interlocutor interest (e.g., inferred from the gaze) \(\succ \) perceived objects \(\succ \) developing trust \(\succ \) proactive speech \(\succ \) reactive speech. During the act activity, the agent executes the actions that are in line with the intentions inferred via the reason activity. This is done by composing the plans that are chosen from the plan base, such that the current goals are achieved. If the actions composing a plan need to be performed by worker agents (e.g., because they involve the use of the actuators of the robot), then the BDI agent communicates the actions to worker agents.

3.2 Social and Normative Reasoning

SONAR supports the following three types of rules that are used to model (social) norms and to perform social and normative reasoning: social interpretation rules, behavior qualification rules, and prohibition and obligation rules. Next, we explain these three categories of rules in SONAR.

Social interpretation rules SONAR uses social interpretation rules to associate the social and situational cues (e.g., the distance between people and/or agents during a conversation) with social meanings (e.g., the DIAMONDS situation characteristics given in [69]). These associations are fuzzy in their nature (e.g., different values for the distance can be considered as low for different people), and they might differ from a context or a culture to another [21]. Therefore, to represent these associations we use IF-THEN fuzzy rules of the form “IF \(c_1\) AND \(\dots \) AND \(c_q\), THEN \(m_1\) AND \(\ldots \) AND \(m_k\)”, with \(c_1, \dots , c_q\) and \(m_1, \dots , m_k\) generally given by the formulation “a IS b”, which contains linguistic terms. More specifically, such a formulation indicates that a linguistic/qualified value, b, is assigned to a linguistic variable, a. An example of such a fuzzy rule is “IF distance IS Low, THEN positivity IS High-positive-correlation”, where distance and positivity are linguistic variables representing, respectively, a social cue and a situation characteristic, and Low and High-positive-correlation are linguistic values for those variables. Intuitively, the example indicates that maintaining a close proximity (low distance) during a conversation can be interpreted, socially, as strongly indicating (high-positive-correlation) a positivity-related ( [69]) situation. Mathematical realizations of linguistic values in fuzzy logic are fuzzy sets that are represented via membership functionsFootnote 8. Membership functions specify the degree (called degree of truth) to which a crisp measurement of a base variable (e.g., 2 meters for base variable Distance) is member of a particular fuzzy set that represents a linguistic term. For instance, 2 meters is low with a degree of truth of 0.8, and is medium with a degree of truth of 0.2. Membership functions, therefore, allow to quantify approximate linguistic terms, and they can be defined by a system designer (e.g., based on existing knowledge about that particular linguistic concept), or may be learnt over time and in the course of using the fuzzy rule base in various interactions (as we will discuss later in this paper).

In SONAR, the set of input data \(D_t\) (e.g., the measured distance between the robot and a human, a detected sound, or the speech decoded from the sound) received at time instant t by the manager agent is used to determine, via fuzzy inferenceFootnote 9, a set \(O_t\) of fuzzy membership degrees \(\mu (S_i)\) for all social interpretations \(S_i\) for \(i=1,\ldots ,\rho \), where the number \(\rho \) is the number of possible social interpretations of a situation (e.g., \(\rho =8\) if the 8 DIAMONDS are considered based on [69]). For instance, given a measured distance of 2 meters and a value 1 for a binary variable communicating (indicating that the situation involves communication), it is inferred that the situation can be interpreted as related to sociality with degree of truth 0.8, to positivity with degree of truth 0.6, to negativity with degree of truth 0.2, etc. The set \(O_t\), therefore, contains information about the degree of truth of possible social interpretations of a situation. This set can directly be used in normative reasoning and decision-making via SONAR, e.g., as input for performing fuzzy inference via the behavior qualification rules to determine, via defuzzification, adequate parameters for the robot’s actuators.

Behavior qualification rules A robot that is placed in a social context is not only expected to give an appropriate social meaning to physical inputs, but also to act in a way that is considered socially acceptable and in line with social norms and practices. We represent the behavior qualification rules via a combination of fuzzy and non-fuzzy rules, and use them to determine appropriate (norm-aligned) qualifiers of behavior (i.e., directives for the actuators of the robot). For example, a chatter agent (which is a specific type of worker agents explained in Sect. 3.1) that has been instructed to convey a message via chatting to the human, will send a directive to the robot interface that includes a sentence, as well as the qualifiers (e.g., the adequate volume of the voice, the pitch, the speed of talking) that are inferred as appropriate in the current situation (e.g., are interpreted as Social), using the behavior qualification rules.

Prohibition and obligation rules Prohibition and obligation rules are given as tuples \(\langle s_n, z_n, t_n\rangle \) for \(n\in N\), with N the set of all norms, \(s_n\) a conjunction of beliefs that characterizes the conditions for applicability of norm n, \(z_n\in \{ oblig , prohib \}\) indicating whether or not norm n is an obligation or a prohibition (where \( oblig \) and \( prohib \) are two labels representing an obligation and a prohibition, respectively), and \(t_n\) is the target of the norm, i.e., either an action (part of a plan) or a goal of the BDI agent. An example of obligation targeting a goal is \(\langle social\_distance \wedge socially\_related\_situation \wedge not\_greeted(person) , oblig , greet(person)\rangle \). This obligation represents the norm for greeting behavior, i.e.: “It is appropriate to greet whenever a person is visible at a social distance, the situation is considered socially-related, and no greetings has occurred yet.”. An example of related prohibition targeting an action, instead, is \(\langle conversation\_start \wedge not\_greeted(person) , prohib , update\_topic\rangle \). This prohibition represents the dialogue norm “At the beginning of a conversation, it is not appropriate to start talking about any topic before greeting.”. Prohibition and obligation rules are used both to trigger new goals and plans (therefore making a robot proactive), and to select appropriate goals and plans (to make the robot reactive) during the norm-aware reasoning of the BDI agent. For instance, the norm-aware reasoning of the BDI agent concerning the example of obligation above can be represented via the following AgentSpeak rule:

figure a

The rule indicates that whenever the agent has the goal !reason_about_greeting_norms to reason about greeting norms (a goal that is created by the BDI agent during the reason deliberation activity explained in Sect. 3.1), and believes that the face of a person is visible at a social distance, then a new goal !greet(Person) is created. Then, during the act activity, the agent will attempt to achieve the goal by means of a plan, e.g., by means of an action .greet(Person) that will instruct the chatter worker agent to begin a greeting procedure.

3.3 Learning and Adaptation to Norms

In this section, we introduce the norm adaptation mechanisms that are supported by SONAR. In Sect. 6, we will illustrate via computer-based simulations that a robot endowed with the proposed mechanisms can quickly adapt to the norms of a society. We focus on adaptation of the norms that are represented via fuzzy rules, i.e., the social interpretation rules and the fuzzy behavior qualification rules explained in Sect. 3.2. More specifically, we focus on adaptation of the linguistic variables that compose the fuzzy rules. We do not focus instead on learning new fuzzy rules nor on adaptation and learning strategies for prohibitions and obligations, for which some solutions can be found in the literature (e.g., [25, 27, 88]).

Norm adaptation in SONAR is performed by a norm-adapter agent. The norm-adapter agent is a type of a worker agent that adjusts the membership functions, which mathematically represent the fuzzy sets that model the linguistic values corresponding to the norms. This norm adaptation is based on the data that has been collected throughout the human-robot interactions, or via observations of human-human interactions. Every time a dataset \(D_t\) is collected by a manager worker for time instant t (resulting, via the application of social interpretation rules, in the set \(O_t\) of degrees of truth of possible social interpretations of the situation), the social interpretation \(S_t^\star \) for time instant t with the highest degree of truth is determined: \(S_t^\star = S_i\), where \(\mu (S_i) > \mu (S_j)\) for all \(j\ne i\), and for \(i,j = 1,\ldots ,\rho \), and with \(\mu (S_i), \mu (S_j) \in O_t\), randomly selecting one of the equally true interpretations in case of ties. The social interpretation \(S_t^\star \) is then communicated to the norm-adapter agent together with the dataset \(D_t\). The norm-adapter agent regularly–at periodic intervals– examines the collected data and initiates a norm adaptation algorithm once a sufficient amount (that is pre-defined) of data has been collected. Every time the adaptation process concludes, the updated membership functions are made available to the other worker agents, by updating the social interpreters and the social qualifiers in Fig. 2. In the following, we explain in details how the norm adaptation works.

3.3.1 Norm Adaptation via Fuzzy Sets Modification

Given a fuzzy rule that indicates “IF sociality IS High-positive-correlation, THEN distance is Medium”, our goal is to learn the (membership function of the) fuzzy set that represents the concept of Medium for distance, based on the data that is collected by the robot via observing, or interacting with, the individuals from a society.

We call the variables that are subject to adaptation dynamic (linguistic) variables, where these variables characterize the subjective, personal, or cultural aspects of the fuzzy rules. We represent the fuzzy sets corresponding to the dynamic variables via trapezoidal membership functions, which are defined by four parameters \(s_{\text {l}}\), \(c_{\text {l}}\), \(c_{\text {u}}\), \(s_{\text {u}}\), with \(s_{\text {l}}\le c_{\text {l}}\le c_{\text {u}}\le s_{\text {u}}\), where \(s_{\text {l}}\) and \(s_{\text {u}}\) are, respectively, the lower and upper bounds of the support (i.e. the base), and \(c_{\text {l}}\) and \(c_{\text {u}}\) are, respectively, the lower and upper bounds of the core of the trapezoidal functions. A partition \(P_v\) for the linguistic variable v is the set \(P_v = \{F_1,\dots ,F_p\}\) of the p fuzzy sets (linguistic values) \(F_i\) for \(i=1,\ldots ,p\) that characterizes the domain of the linguistic variable. For instance, a partition for the variable distance defined on a given domain (e.g., [0, 10] meters) may be composed of three fuzzy sets Low, Medium, and High, for which the corresponding membership functions cover the given domain.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Examples from [89] for modification of a partition that is composed of five trapezoidal fuzzy sets. The dashed plots illustrate the initial membership functions, whereas the solid plots correspond to the modified membership functions

Our approach for adaptation to the norms is a modification of the context adaptation technique introduced by Botta et al. [89]. Figure 3 illustrates two examples for adaptation of the position of the core and width of the trapezoidal membership functions, where these functions may correspond to the fuzzy sets that represent the linguistic terms that are used in the rules that incorporate the norms. In SONAR, the norm-adapter worker agent modifies the membership functions attempting to reduce the error that is resulting from using these membership functions, compared to the data collected by the robot. The top plot in Fig. 4 illustrates the initial representation for the membership functions of the fuzzy sets within the partition of all those dynamic variables for which no training data is available yet. Note that all membership functions are defined as trapezoidal functions within the domain [0, 1]. The bottom plot in Fig. 4 shows the adapted membership function (see the dashed curves) for a particular dynamic variable when the collected data has been used to train the membership functions. In SONAR, we consider the ideal adaptation to be such that the center and the width of the core for the i-th trapezoidal function in partition of a dynamic variable correspond to, respectively, the mean and the standard deviation of available data about the corresponding linguistic term (e.g., about Medium distances), and that the domain of the trapezoidal function includes all the corresponding observed values. In Fig. 4, the domain of the adapted functions (bottom plot) is different from that of the initial functions (top plot). This illustrates that the adaptation mechanism is independent from the domain of the variables, and is made possible by scaling the functions according to the observed data.

Finally, although we use trapezoidal membership functions, we remark that our approach, in line with the work from Botta et al. [89] that we use as a starting point, can easily be adapted to work with any other shapes of membership functions. Given that our study primarily focuses on the exploratory aspect of modifying membership functions for the aim of norm adaptation, and does not focus on a particular domain, we choose trapezoidal fuzzy sets [90] to provide a generalized solution that accommodates various types of membership functions, since other commonly used membership functions, such as triangular and singleton functions, are special cases of trapezoidal functions. The rationale of our adaptation approach remains the same also for gaussian shaped membership functions.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Initial (before norm adaptation) membership functions for dynamic variable distance that need to be adapted (top plot), and a desired outcome after execution of the norm adaptation (bottom plot): Solid curves represent the estimated functions, whereas dashed curves show the fuzzy Gaussian membership functions that represent the real distributions of the data points that are collected for the training/adaptation procedure

Fig. 5
figure 5

Example of the execution of the algorithm for norm adaptation given a dataset \(D_S\), with \(| D_S|\ge \tau \), collected for social interpretation \(S= Sociality \). For this example, Step 1 determines the set \(R_S=\{r\}\) containing only one rule \(r=\) IF Sociality IS High-positive-correlation THEN Distance IS medium. Distance is a dynamic variable that needs to be adapted. Its partition is composed of the three membership functions in Fig. 5a (solid curves). Step 2 determines \(V_r=\{ Distance \}\), \( Distance _L= medium \), and \(c_{\text {u}}^{ Distance _L}=c_{\text {l}}^{ Distance _L}=0.5\). Step 3 (shown in Fig. 5b) scales linearly the universe of discourse of Distance (compare the domain of the functions between Fig. 5a and b), and the support of all the membership functions in its partition according to the data collected for Distance (represented via the blue dashed curve). Step 4 (Fig. 5c) modifies the position of the core of all the membership functions based on the error between the current center of the medium fuzzy set (referred in rule r), and the mean Distance in data, resulting in \(k_{\text {CP}}=0\) for all fuzzy sets, and a right shift of 0.5 of the center of the medium fuzzy set. Step 5 (Fig. 5d) modifies the width of the core of all the membership functions based on the error between the current width of the medium fuzzy set and the standard deviation of Distance in data, resulting in \(k_{\text {CW}}=0.3\) for all fuzzy sets, and a dilation of the core width of all the fuzzy sets

3.3.2 The Norm Adaptation Algorithm

The norm-adapter agent regularly examines the data set \(D_S\) collected per social interpretation S (e.g., duty or sociality). When the number of the data points in the data set \(D_S\) reaches a given threshold (say \(\tau \)), then the agent enacts a norm adaptation algorithm for interpretation S, by executing the following steps. An illustrative example of execution of the algorithm is reported in Fig. 5.

Step 1. Determine the set \(R_S\) of fuzzy rules that are related to social interpretation S. For instance, if S is Sociality, rules in \(R_S\) contain, either in the premise or in the consequent of the rule, an assignment that characterizes a positive correlation with S (e.g., Sociality IS High-positive-correlation), and an assignment for at least one dynamic variable (e.g., Distance IS medium). Then for each rule \(r\in R_S\) execute the following steps.

Step 2. For all dynamic variables v within the set \(V_r\) of dynamic variables that appear in rule r perform the adaptation procedure (i.e., go to Step 3), unless adaptation for the same dynamic variable has already been performed via another rule. In the following, for all dynamic variables v and rule r, we call \(v_L\) the fuzzy set of the variable v referred in rule r (e.g. \(v_L=\textit{medium}\) for \(v=\textit{Distance}\) if the rule contains Distance IS medium),Footnote 10 and \(c_{\text {u}}^{v_L}\) and \(c_{\text {l}}^{v_L}\), respectively, the lower and upper bounds of the core of \(v_L\).

Step 3. Scale linearly the universe of discourse of variable \(v \in V_r\) and all the supports of the membership functions corresponding to the partition of variable v, so that to reflect the boundaries of the measurements that have been collected for that variable. We use the following standard linear scaling function:

$$\begin{aligned}&s : [a,b] \rightarrow [a',b'] \\&\quad s(v) = a' + (b'-a')\cdot \frac{v-a}{b-a}, \quad \forall v \in [a,b] \end{aligned}$$

where parameters a and b identify the bounds of the original universe of discourse, and \(a'\) and \(b'\) identify the bounds of the new universe of discourse obtained from the new measurements. We compute the new boundaries for \([a', b']\) via

$$\begin{aligned} a' = \min \{a, v_{\min , D_S} \}, \quad b' = \max \{ b, v_{\max , D_S} \} \end{aligned}$$

where \(v_{\min , D_S}\) and \(v_{\max , D_S}\) are, respectively, the minimum and maximum values of variable v observed in data set \(D_S\).

Step 4. Modify the position of the core for all membership functions corresponding to the partition of dynamic variable v by shifting the core within the support while maintaining the original width (i.e., the distance between \(c_{\text {l}}\) and \(c_{\text {u}}\)) using the following relationship:

$$\begin{aligned} c_{\text {l}}' = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} c_{\text {l}}- (s_{\text {l}}-c_{\text {l}})\cdot k_{\text {CP}}& \quad \text {if}\quad k_{\text {CP}}< 0 \\ c_{\text {l}}+ (s_{\text {u}}-c_{\text {u}})\cdot k_{\text {CP}}& \quad \text {if}\quad k_{\text {CP}}\ge 0 \end{array}\right. \\ c_{\text {u}}' =\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} c_{\text {u}}- (s_{\text {l}}-c_{\text {l}})\cdot k_{\text {CP}}& \quad \text {if}\quad k_{\text {CP}}< 0 \\ c_{\text {u}}+ (s_{\text {u}}-c_{\text {u}})\cdot k_{\text {CP}}& \quad \text {if}\quad k_{\text {CP}}\ge 0 \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(c_{\text {l}}'\) and \(c_{\text {u}}'\) are, respectively, the lower and upper bounds of the modified core, and \(k_{\text {CP}}\in [-1,1]\) is a parameter that characterizes the intensity of the shift for the lower bound (whenever \(k_{\text {CP}}<0\)) or for the upper bound (whenever \(k_{\text {CP}}>0\)). We define the core-position error \(\epsilon _{\text {CP}}\) as the difference between the current center of the core of the membership function of \(v_L\) and the mean \(v_{\text {mean}, D_S}\) of the values observed for variable v within data set \(D_S\), i.e., \(\epsilon _{\text {CP}}=\frac{c_{\text {u}}^{v_L}-c_{\text {l}}^{v_L}}{2}-v_{\text {mean}, D_S}\). We determine \(k_{\text {CP}}\) as the inverse of the core-position error ratio. More specifically,

$$\begin{aligned} k_{\text {CP}}= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -1\cdot \min (1, \frac{\epsilon _{\text {CP}}}{c_{\text {l}}-s_{\text {l}}}) & \quad \text {if}\quad \epsilon _{\text {CP}}\ge 0 \\ -1\cdot \max (-1, \frac{\epsilon _{\text {CP}}}{s_{\text {u}}-c_{\text {u}}}) & \quad \text {if}\quad \epsilon _{\text {CP}}< 0 \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

Step 5. Modify the width of the core for all membership functions corresponding to the partition of dynamic variable v by dilating or shrinking the core of the membership function within the support using the following relationship:

$$\begin{aligned} c_{\text {l}}' = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} c_{\text {l}}+ w\cdot (s_{\text {l}}-c_{\text {l}})\cdot k_{\text {CW}}& \quad \text {if}\quad k_{\text {CW}}< 0 \\ c_{\text {l}}+ (s_{\text {l}}-c_{\text {l}})\cdot k_{\text {CP}}& \quad \text {if}\quad k_{\text {CW}}\ge 0 \end{array}\right. \\ c_{\text {u}}' = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} c_{\text {u}}+ w\cdot (s_{\text {u}}-c_{\text {u}})\cdot k_{\text {CW}}& \quad \text {if}\quad k_{\text {CW}}< 0 \\ c_{\text {u}}+ (s_{\text {u}}-c_{\text {u}})\cdot k_{\text {CW}}& \quad \text {if}\quad k_{\text {CW}}\ge 0 \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(w= (c_{\text {u}}-c_{\text {l}})/(c_{\text {l}}-s_{\text {l}}+s_{\text {u}}-c_{\text {u}})\), and \(k_{\text {CW}}\in [-1,1]\) is a parameter that characterizes the intensity of the dilation (whenever \(k_{\text {CW}}>0\)) or the shrinkage (whenever \(k_{\text {CW}}<0\)) of the core. We define the core-width error \(\epsilon _{\text {CW}}\) as the difference between the current width of the core of the membership function of \(v_L\) and the standard deviation \(v_{\text {sd},D_S}\) of all the values observed for dynamic variable v within data set \(D_S\), i.e., \(\epsilon _{\text {CW}}=(c_{\text {u}}^{v_L}-c_{\text {l}}^{v_L})- v_{\text {sd},D_S}\). We determine \(k_{\text {CW}}\) as the inverse of the core-width error ratio. More specifically,

$$\begin{aligned} k_{\text {CW}}= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -1\cdot \min (1, \frac{\epsilon _{\text {CW}}}{w\cdot (c_{\text {l}}-s_{\text {l}})}, \frac{\epsilon _{\text {CW}}}{w\cdot (s_{\text {u}}-c_{\text {u}})}) & \quad \text {if}\quad \epsilon _{\text {CW}}\ge 0 \\ -1\cdot \max (-1, \frac{\epsilon _{\text {CW}}}{c_{\text {l}}-s_{\text {l}}}, \frac{\epsilon _{\text {CW}}}{s_{\text {u}}-c_{\text {u}}}) & \quad \text {if}\quad \epsilon _{\text {CW}}< 0 \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

Finally, when the membership functions for all the fuzzy sets within the partition of dynamic variable v are modified by the norm-adapter agent, these are made available to the other worker agents, who use them for social interpretation and behavior qualification.

4 Case Study: Interaction of Humans with a SONAR-Based NAO Robot

In this section, we discuss our extensive exploratory case study that was designed to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of SONAR for human-robot interactions. We do so, by assessing the effectiveness and efficiency [91] of our Python 3.9 implementation of SONAR, and the perception, experience, and acceptance of the robot (which is steered via such implementation of SONAR) by the participants of the experiments. In this set of experiments, we excluded the norm adaptation procedure from SONAR, for the following two reasons: First, to focus on only the SONAR architecture independently, without integrating it with an adaptation algorithm. Second, adaptation of the fuzzy membership functions requires enough data and thus multiple interactions with each participant. Since in our setup, we were not able to recruit the participants for more than one session, such long-term interactions had to happen in only one session. This makes it likely that participants get exhausted, which may falsely affect the criteria of assessment. In real-life applications, a companion robot for instance, will spend more time with its users. Thus gathering the data that is required for adaptation of the fuzzy membership functions will not result in such issues. Therefore, we evaluate the norm adaptation procedure separately in Sect. 6 via extensive computer-based simulations.

In this case study, we address the following research questions:

RQ1.1: To what extent is SONAR usable for the real-time control of a social robot that accounts for situation cues and norms during interactions with humans?

RQ1.2: What is the human perception, experience, and acceptance of a social robot that employs SONAR with the aim of considering situation cues and norms in its decision-making and exhibiting proactive behaviors?

To investigate these research questions, we conducted an experiment where adults interacted with a Nao robot [33] in a conversation scenario. Two contrasting behavior styles for the robot were considered, which we refer to as Nao-Chatbot and Nao-SONAR (details are given below). We collected both quantitative and qualitative feedback from the execution logs that were generated by the robot during the experiments and via questionnaires that were completed by the participants before and after interacting with the robots.

4.1 Methodology of the Case Study

Next, we explain our methodologies for designing and executing the experiments.

4.1.1 Human Participants

Individual human participants took part in this study during December 2022. The experiments took place in 4 meeting rooms of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of TU Delft. A commercially available humanoid Nao robot v6 [33] was used for the experiments. The participants had an open-ended conversation with the robot within the context of five specific tasks (see the Main Trial Phase in Sect. 4.1.2). Figure 1 illustrates the setup: For each experiment, one participant was seated in front of Nao, which was standing on a table. On the table, four objects were placed: a captain hat, a plant, a bottle, and a teddy bear. The meeting rooms also had a monitor and a clock (not visible in Fig. 1) placed on the wall.

In total, a sample of 25 adult volunteers (\(52\%\) female, \(48\%\) male) was recruited from the Delft University of Technology. The age of the participants ranged between 18 and 64 (with \(8\%\) between 18 and 24, \(72\%\) between 25 and 34, and \(8\%\) between 55 and 64). Their education level ranged from high school diploma to doctorate (with \(8\%\) high school graduate, \(8\%\) BSc degree, \(72\%\) MSc degree, and \(12\%\) doctorate). From the participants, \(16\%\) were university support staff, \(8\%\) were students, \(68\%\) were PhD students or researchers, and \(8\%\) were academic or faculty staff. The self-reported information about the familiarity of the participants with robots before the experiment included: \(32\%\) not familiar at all, \(40\%\) slightly familiar, \(16\%\) moderately familiar, \(12\%\) very familiar, and \(0\%\) extremely familiar. All participants completed the consent forms that are provided as an attachment to this paper. One participant did not agree to record the video of the interactions with the robot. The participants were not paid for their participation in the experiments.

4.1.2 Experimental Procedure

Each experiment was composed of the following 3 phases: introduction phase, main trial phase, and final phase. These are explained in detail below.

Introduction phase Before the start of each experiment, a general introduction phase was performed, where the robot was presented to the participant, showcasing some of its basic movements and general capabilities, so that the participant got acquainted with the robot before the start of the experiment. An information sheet was given to each participant to read, in order to understand the basic principles of the interaction with the robot, along with a consent form to be signed. After signing the consent form, the participant was requested to complete an Introductory Questionnaire and a NARS (Negative Attitude towards Robots Scale) Questionnaire [92, 93], which are briefly described below. All questionnaires and information sheets provided to the participants are anonymized and made available in our online appendix [34].

Introductory Questionnaire. This questionnaire includes 7 questions for collecting information about the gender, age range, occupation, education, level of familiarity with robots (using a Likert scale), prior experience with companion robots (e.g., at work, as toys, via movies, books, or TV shows, in museums or at school, in person), and level of technical knowledge with robots.

NARS (Negative Attitude towards Robots Scale) Questionnaire. This questionnaire includes 16 questions for measuring the attitudes of humans towards robots in daily life. The answers to this questionnaire are used to highlight any potential prior (negative) bias of the participants in their attitude towards robots. The results of this questionnaire were used in our experiments to validate the randomization of the experiments.

Table 1 Specific tasks considered for the human-robot interactive conversation, including instructions for the participants, as well as the expected behavior for Nao-SONAR (last column)

Main trial phase The main trial phase consisted of an open-ended conversation with the robot. Additionally, the participants were instructed to perform the following 5 specific tasks (see Table 1 for more details) during their conversation with the robot: greeting, role playing game, discussing a personal issue, paying attention to an object, goodbye. These five tasks aimed to assess the effectiveness of the robot in adapting to different situations, by leveraging its awareness of social rules and environmental cues. Each task also provided an opportunity to assess various technical aspects of our implementation related to social and norm awareness (see Table 1, last column), and to the behavioral requirements for social and norm-aware robots, as highlighted in Sect. 2.

Tasks 1 and 5 (greeting and goodbye) focused on standard moments of a casual conversation and served to define clear experimental boundaries for participant interactions. The participants had full control over the Main trial phase completion, without the experimenter being present in the room.

Task 2 (role awareness) exemplified the societal notion that specific responsibilities and behaviors are dictated by social roles [94]. In fact, a social and norm-aware robot is expected to adapt its behavior according to the role of its interlocutor [43].

Task 3 (trust) underscored the importance of social robots being able to establish adequate trust in interactions with humans [9, 95,96,97,98], which can be facilitated by norm compliance [30, 99].

Finally, Task 4 (social cues and environment awareness) addressed the necessity for social robots to interpret implicit or explicit social cues that are provided by humans and to reason about these cues within the context of their environment, in order to ensure natural and meaningful interactions with humans [43, 64].

For every participant, the order of tasks 2–4 was randomized in order to test SONAR on a variety of combinations of behaviors. After performing the tasks, the participant was asked to complete two questionnaires based on the COGNIRON Robot Personality Questionnaire [93] and the USUS framework [100], which are explained below.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Details of our implementation of SONAR for the human-robot interaction experiments. In the figure, Di denotes a device i (i.e., either Nao or the external microphone that we use to capture the participant’s voice) and Tj denotes an MQTT topic j. In the MQTT interface, an MQTT topic j is either used by a sensor service S to publish sensor data obtained from a device i (indicated via \(\,^{Di}S^{Tj}\)), or by an actuator service A to receive directives for device i (indicated via \(\,^{Di}A^{Tj}\)). The topics are also used by the worker agents of SONAR to either receive and process sensor data or to publish directives for the actuators. The Data Collector regularly (every 0.2 s) collects the most recent processed data from the worker agents, and combines this data to determine a social interpretation of the current situation and to communicate new beliefs to the BDI Core. Note that the NaoImageCollector sensor service does not publish sensor data (the stream of images from Nao’s cameras) directly to MQTT topics, but makes it available to other sensor services (those without an associated device in the figure), which in turn publish data after processing the images. The rules of social qualification, social interpretation, behavior, and the prohibitions and obligations, used by Nao-SONAR, are reported in Table 2. In Nao-Chatbot these modules were disabled, with the exception of the rules of behavior module, which contained a simple basic rule for the BDI agent to instruct the Chatter worker agent (in charge of communication) to reply according to the language model’s preferred response whenever the participant said something. Complete details and code of our implementation are available in our supplementary material [34, 101]

Extended COGNIRON robot personality questionnaire. This questionnaire is used to evaluate the attribution of each of the following personality characteristics to a robot, using a 5-point Likert scale: anxiety, tension, shyness, vulnerability, sociability, general activity level, assertiveness, excitement seeking, dominance, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, creativity, autonomy, intentionality, predictability of behavior, controllability, and considerateness. We extended the original questionnaire with 3 additional questions concerning the reactiveness, proactiveness, and autonomy of the robot, in order to assess the major aspects that traditionally characterize intelligent agents within the AI literature [83].

USUS-Based questionnaire. This questionnaire is composed of 45 questions (that should be answered using a 5-point Likert scale) and is designed based on the USUS (Usability, Social Acceptance, User Experience, Societal Impact) framework [100]. We tailored this questionnaire for our particular case study, considering the first three aspects of the USUS framework, where the latter (i.e., Societal Impact) was assessed at the end of the entire experiment, as part of the Final Questionnaire explained later on in this section.

The Main Trial Phase was repeated twice per participant, considering Nao-Chatbot and Nao-SONAR as the behavior styles of the robot. The order of the exposure of the participants to the robots with these two behavior styles was randomly determined per participant, where 52% of the participants interacted first with Nao-Chatbot, and 48% of them interacted first with Nao-SONAR. The same specific tasks and their order were used to test both behavior styles, which allowed within-subject comparison. The robot that exhibited each of these behavior styles was referred to as robot A and robot B during the case study, so that the subject did not have any clue or prior expectations about a particular behavior. Participants were instructed to keep the conversation per robot no longer than 10 min.

Final phase At this phase the participants were asked to complete a final questionnaire that inquired about their feelings after the session and about their perceptions of future robot companions in our society. Our main aim for collecting and analyzing the answers of the participants to the final questionnaire (which is explained below) was to find out whether the participants had noticed differences between the behavior of the two robots. Additionally, we sought their opinion about the role of social robots in our society, including whether or not such robots should exhibit properties that underpin our research, such as awareness of social and cultural norms and appropriate behaviors.

Final questionnaire. This questionnaire includes 22 questions that are partly based on the Final Questionnaire used in the COGNIRON project [93] and partly based on the USUS framework (particularly, to evaluate the societal impact aspects).

4.1.3 Behavior Styles for the Robot

We compared two behavior styles, which we call Nao-Chatbot and Nao-SONAR. Both styles were implemented via the proposed SONAR multi-agent architecture.Footnote 11

Table 2 The norms and the rules of behavior, social interpretation and qualification for Nao-SONAR

Both Nao-Chatbot and Nao-SONAR included the same agents, interacting and implemented as it was explained in Sect. 3 and is illustrated in Fig. 6. In Nao-Chatbot, the social and norm awareness modules (namely the rules of social qualification, the rules of social interpretation, the prohibitions and obligations, and the rules of behavior) were disabled, and the robot simply provided a reply to the human speech based on the simple mechanism that is explained below. In Nao-SONAR, instead, the modules mentioned above were populated as indicated in Table 2 and as described below. This, enabled the robot to exhibit social and norm awareness and proactiveness, both in the dialogues and in its behaviors (to the extent of the features implemented for this study).

Nao-Chatbot This behavior style essentially corresponds to the behavior of an embodied chatbot with some basic movements. We consider Nao-Chatbot as our baseline.

In Nao-Chatbot, the SpeechRecognition python library is used in the SpeechRecognizer sensor service of the MQTT interface (see Fig. 6) to recognize the speech from the participants during the experiments. The recognized speech is received by the Chatter agent, and then communicated to the BDI Core through the Data Collector. The BDI Core simply instructs the Chatter to reply according to its language model’s preferred response. The Chatter then feeds the recognized speech into a pre-trained language model in order to generate a response. We used the Microsoft’s DialoGPT-medium model,Footnote 12 a state-of-the-art (in 2022) large-scale pre-trained dialogue response generation model trained on 147 M multi-turn dialogue from Reddit discussion thread [102]. The response generated by the language model is then sent to the TextToSpeech actuator service, which instructs the pre-built TextToSpeech module of Nao to say the response out loud.

During the conversations with the participants, the default Autonomous Life feature of Nao was left on, so to enable the default regular body adjustments of the robot and its capabilities to orientate its head towards humans, and to react (e.g., by re-orientating its head) to basic environmental stimuli, such as sounds, movements, or tactile contacts.

Nao-SONAR This behavior style is obtained by extending Nao-Chatbot by populating the knowledge base and plan and norm libraries of SONAR (see Sect. 3) both with proactive, social, and norm-aware behaviors and with norms. Thanks to the populated knowledge base and plan and norm libraries, in Nao-SONAR the implemented agents collect, process, and react not only to the participant’s speech as in Nao-Chatbot, but also to the participant’s behavior (by regularly reasoning about potential situation cues from the participants, such as the movements, positioning in the space, gaze and head direction, vocabulary during conversation), and to the environment in which the robot is placed (via object recognition).

Figure 6 explains the MAS organization, how the different implemented agents interact with each other, and the flow of data from sensors and to actuators. Tables 1 (last column) and 2 provide an overview of the capabilities, behaviors, norms, and rules of social interpretation and social qualification of Nao-SONAR. The rules and behaviors have been determined via preliminary experimentation on the basis of the five tasks in our experiments, ensuring coherence and absence of conflicts by design. Our implementation is intended to showcase the wide support that SONAR provides for modeling different kinds of norms, behaviors, and social practices, in order to make Nao-SONAR social, norm-aware, and proactive. For example, Nao-SONAR can autonomously initiate a dialogue when appropriate (e.g., by initiating a greeting social practice when a participant is positioned at a distance that is interpreted by the robot as social), and can exhibit proactive behavior (e.g., by asking questions during the conversation as opposed to replying to the human only).

Moreover, Nao-SONAR can monitor and interpret social cues expressed by the participants and adapt its behavior accordingly (e.g., the robot monitors the gaze and head direction of the participants, looks in the same direction as the participants, and may initiate a conversation about detected objects).

Finally, Nao-SONAR can adapt its behavior based on its role w.r.t. the interlocutor. For example, in a conversation with a captain, in order to show respect, the robot adapts the volume, speed, and tone of the speech. The values of these parameters are obtained by the Chatter agent that, based on the current social interpretation of the situation determined by the Data Collector, applies the fuzzy rules of social qualification given in Table 2. Similarly, the Chatter uses a more formal vocabulary by avoiding word contractions in the text generated by the language model, refers to the captain with “Sir”, and performs a salute hand gesture. In a similar way, the robot also changes its movements in order to better express emotions associated with its speech. This was achieved for the Chatter agent by performing sentiment analysis of the generated response, and by publishing directives for the PostureActuator service to execute a body movement (implemented in Nao) associated with the sentiment.

4.1.4 Metrics

In addition to the responses to the questionnaires, which assessed the perception, social acceptance, and experience of the participants, we collected data from the execution logs and video recordings of the experiments. In particular, we analyzed the following two metrics of usability [91] to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of our implementation of SONAR. These metrics (explained below) align with the definitions of the effectiveness and efficiency characteristics of software quality in use [91] and with measures of usability of social robots [103].

Metric 1 (effectiveness). The accuracy and success rate with which the robot executes and adapts to the specific tasks performed by the participants. To compute effectiveness, we use the following notation. For a given task, we analyze the video recordings and logs of the experiments and we manually annotate the number of times that, over the 25 experiments:

  • the robot correctly exhibited its expected behavior as per Table 1 when the task had started. Borrowing terminology from statistics, we call this value TP, standing for True Positive cases;

  • the robot exhibited its expected behavior but at a different time with respect to the expected time during the experiment. We call this value FP for False Positive cases;

  • the robot did not exhibit its expected behavior when the task had started (FN for False Negative cases);

  • the task was not performed by the participant and the robot correctly did not exhibit its expected behavior for that task (TN for True Negative cases).

We use accuracy for \(\frac{\text {TP+TN}}{\text {TP+TN+FP+FN}}\), and success rate for . We explicitly consider effectiveness only for Nao-SONAR. By measuring effectiveness, our aim is to evaluate the adaptation capabilities as well as the social and environmental awareness of the SONAR implementation w.r.t. the tasks under consideration. Since by design Nao-Chatbot does not adapt its behavior to different situations but exhibits only one type of behavior, i.e., replying to the sentences captured from the participants, we consider its accuracy and success rate as equal to 0.

Metric 2 (efficiency). We consider the response time of the robot as a measure of its performance efficiency when interacting with humans. To compute efficiency, we measure the average time that the robot took to reply to the sentences by the participant. We extract this information from the execution logs of the experiments, and we compare the corresponding results obtained for Nao-Chatbot and for Nao-SONAR. This metric allows us to study the efficiency of SONAR when employed as a standard conversational agent, and the overhead introduced in the system to perform proactive, social, and normative reasoning.

4.1.5 Randomization Validation

To validate the randomization of the participants, we analyzed the NARS scores and the self-reported familiarity with and knowledge of robots. We assigned a score to the 5 Likert values as it follows: 1 for Strongly disagree, 2 for Somewhat disagree, 3 for Neither agree nor disagree, 4 for Somewhat agree, and 5 for Strongly agree.

A Mann Whitney (aka Wilcoxon rank sum) test did not find a significant difference between the NARS scores of the participants that interacted first with Nao-Chatbot and those that interacted first with Nao-SONAR (\(W = 21485\), \(p = 0.170914\)). Similarly, a Mann Whitney test did not find a significant difference between the two groups, neither in the self-reported familiarity with robots (\(W = 46\), \(p = 0.070729\)), nor in the self-reported technical knowledge of robots (\(W = 63\), \(p = 0.394284\)). The results indicate that the randomization was performed successfully and no prior bias was predominant in either group.

5 Results

In this section, we present and discuss the results for Metric 1 (effectiveness) (only for Nao-SONAR as discussed above) and for Metric 2 (efficiency) using Nao-Chatbot and Nao-SONAR, as well as the results obtained via the questionnaires.

5.1 The Results for Effectiveness

Table 1 includes the details on the expected behavior of Nao-SONAR in the five tasks that have been performed during the experiments.

Table 3 shows the results related to Metric 1. We note that TP, FP, FN and TN do not necessarily sum to 25 (the total number of participants). This follows from the definition of these terms given in Sect. 4.1.4, and from the proactive, autonomous and interactive nature of Nao-SONAR during the experiments. For example, Nao-SONAR, not aware of the order of tasks executed by the participant, could erroneously execute the behavior expected for Task 4 (i.e., proactively initiating a conversation about a detected object after having inferred, from the participant’s gaze and head, that the participant is paying attention to the object) in a different moment than intended by the participant, and possibly multiple times during an interaction.

Table 3 Execution of the 5 tasks given in Table 1 using Nao-SONAR to steer the interactive behavior of the robot

Task 1 was done successfully in 96% of the cases (also with 96% accuracy). In one experiment, Nao-SONAR did not follow the execution path that is expected based on Table 1. From the analysis of the log, we noted that the vision recognition module could not detect, at the same time, the person and their distance (both required to activate the greeting norm). We attribute this error, which only occurred once, to a combination of the low resolution of the camera embedded in the robot and the specific body positioning of the participant.

Task 2 was accomplished successfully in 100% of the experiments. In some experiments, however, the robot adapted its behavior in a different moment than the intended time (see the value of FP for Task 2 in Table 3), leading to a lower accuracy (69%). This was due to the over-simplistic rule that we implemented for role-understanding: the robot interpreted its role as subordinate simply if it detected a captain’s hat. In some cases, due to the movements of the robot or to the adjustments of the participants to the objects placed on the table, the robot spotted the captain’s hat before the participant actually initiated the task. This issue can be mitigated in the future by making the belief corresponding to initiating Task 2 more specific and precise, i.e., the belief of talking to a captain is constructed by the robot not only if a captain’s hat is visible for the robot, but also if the hat is worn by the participant.

Task 3 had an accuracy similar to Task 2, but had a lower success rate. In none of the experiments, the participants chose to move (significantly) closer to the robot to perform Task 3. Instead, the participants generally kept their initial distance with the robot. As a consequence, the robot relied on a keyword-based approach for the identification of the intention of the person to tell a secret (see the last column for Task 3 in Table 1). Keyword-based approaches are more prone to errors (which is also noticeable from the values of FP and FN for Task 3 in Table 3). This led to a lower accuracy level for Task 3, compared to Task 1 and Task 2. In 5 cases (see TN in Table 3 for Task 3), the participants skipped Task 3 during the experiment. When inquired, after the experiment, 2 of the 5 participants mentioned that they forgot about the task, 1 participant mentioned that the robot got stuck, 2 participants stated that they did not feel that it was the right time for telling a secret.

In Task 4, the robot had a lower accuracy level compared to all other tasks. The robot exhibited a high number for FP, i.e., it initiated a conversation about objects that it observed from the environment not only when the person was showing interest in them, but also in other moments of the conversation. In some cases, the robot also mentioned a wrong object. While this indicates a high degree of environment awareness and proactiveness (since the robot managed to detect various objects form the environment, and autonomously initiated a conversation about these objects with the participant), it also indicates difficulties for the robot in interpreting the social cues of the participants (which has occurred whenever the robot did not scan the environment with its cameras at the right moments). The robot also exhibited a high number for FN, because it did not recognize some of the objects in the room. In summary, the robot successfully completed the task in about 50% of the experiments.

Task 5 was successfully completed in 64% of the experiments. A relatively high number for FN was noticed: in some cases for this task the BDI reasoning cycle required longer deliberation time. Since it was the last task of the experiment, in these cases the participants did not wait for a reply from the robot and simply left the room, which terminated the experiment before a reply was given by the robot for Task 5.

On average the robot had an accuracy level of 63% and a success rate of 77% across the five tasks. The results indicate that further work can improve the accuracy of our implementation of SONAR, in particular (i) by improving the understanding of the gaze and head-related social cues and intentions of the human w.r.t. the surroundings, and (ii) by refining the rules used by the robot in order to reduce False Positive cases.

In general, a success rate of almost 80% is considered as a satisfactory result for the purposes of this exploratory research aimed at assessing feasibility and applicability of SONAR in scenarios of casual conversation. Despite the over-simplistic implementation of several rules and the limitations of some of the employed technologies (e.g, the vision recognition of Nao relied on the low-quality built-in camera of the robot and on real-time detection), our implementation of SONAR appeared to be robust, in terms of handling contingencies, and versatile, in terms of accommodating the different ways in which the participants independently decided to execute the tasks. Even when the perception system and the simplicity of the rules were not accurate, Nao-SONAR could handle these contingencies and could continue interacting with the participant without interruption. On some occasions during the experiments the robot’s built-in services unexpectedly restarted, which should be related to the robot’s software, not to the behavior control architecture, SONAR. Thanks to the full decoupling of SONAR from the robot, these restarting occurrences did not cause any interruptions from the SONAR side, which successfully preserved its state and continued executing after the services were restored. It is also worth emphasizing that the order of the tasks was randomized per participant and that the robot was expected to infer the appropriate behaviors fully autonomously. In some cases, the participants decided to combine two different tasks (e.g., a participant initiated Task 3, while still having the captain’s hat from Task 2 on), and Nao-SONAR still successfully adapted its behavior to accommodate both tasks at the same time (e.g., by establishing trust, which is relevant for Task 2, while appropriately qualifying its behavior in line with its role for Task 3).

5.2 The Results for Efficiency

In this section, we discuss the results for efficiency. In order to provide context to interpret the results, all the code for both Nao-Chatbot and Nao-SONAR, including both our implementation of SONAR and the MQTT interface, was run real-time on a Dell Mobile Precision 3570 CTO laptop.Footnote 13

Running the code involved executing all the components detailed in Fig. 6, which included four worker agents, one manager agent, and one BDI agent. The worker agents handled, besides in-between agents communications, various aspects of interactions related to dialogue, vision, and robot movements, and their workload involved, among others, generating, parsing, and classifying text via NLP (including large language) models (Chatter agent), extracting information from images (Vision Handler agent), and handling a variety of robot-related commands (Posture and System Handler agents), such as performing movements at the right moment (e.g., turning the head in a certain direction). The manager agent (Data Collector) collected data from the worker agents every 0.2 s on seven different topics, including the name of the interacting person, the speech detected, the information about the detection of people, the head tracking, any object detection, and the emotion detection.

In Nao-SONAR, the Chatter agent made use of 9 fuzzy and non-fuzzy rules of social qualification (see Table 2) to appropriately qualify the robot’s speech. Moreover, the manager Data Collector made use of 4 fuzzy and non-fuzzy rules of social interpretation to interpret the data collected from the worker agents. Based on the data received from the manager agent, the BDI agent considered 16 norms and rules of behavior to determine appropriate goals and plans, and directly communicated directives to the four worker agents.

In the online appendix (see [34]), the conversations that occurred between the robot and the 25 participants are representedFootnote 14. For the purpose of evaluating the efficiency of our implementation of SONAR, we consider the robot response time, and do not discard any conversation.

Nao-Chatbot had an average (± std.dev) response time of \(1.53 \pm 0.61\) seconds. This corresponds to the time required by the speech recognition module to detect the end of the speech of the participant (noting that participants were instructed to keep their sentences short), to translate the speech into a text, to communicate the text first to the Chatter agent and then, through the Data Collector, to the BDI Core, and finally to generate, via the natural language generation module, a response to the text in the context of the conversation, after being instructed to do so by the BDI Core.

In comparison, at every deliberation cycle, Nao-SONAR had to perform the normative reasoning that is summarized in Table 2. Besides determining the applicable norms, Nao-SONAR had to perform fuzzy inference procedures for both the social interpretation and the social qualification, and to apply pre-trained language models to summarize and generate questions about either the objects the robot identified via image recognition, or the running conversation, or the weather conditions, which the Chatter retrieved online via the internet.

Nao-SONAR had an average response time of \(1.87 \pm 3.29\) seconds, which indicates a marginal overhead to the response time (0.3 seconds on average). In some cases (this can be noted in the higher standard deviation), longer deliberation times were required. This particularly occurred during Task 5, as it was discussed earlier. This anomalous extended response time observed during Task 5 was inconsistent across the experiments. Despite analyzing the execution logs, we were unable to glean adequate insights into the underlying cause of this delay. Consequently, this issue necessitates further investigation to ensure that human-robot interactions are consistently held at the right pace.

Overall, when inquired about the differences they had noted between the behavior of the two robots in the Final Questionnaire, no participant mentioned any difference between the response time of Nao-Chatbot and Nao-SONAR.

These results are in line with the existing guidelines for acceptable response time from HCI studies (e.g., the well-known two-second rule) [104,105,106]. While we consider these results as acceptable for this paper, since SONAR is still in its testing phase, in a natural setting outside the context of our experiment, users might perceive the interaction and the response time differently. This aspect requires further investigation with generic subjects in real-world situations.

5.3 Questionnaire Results

We analyzed the responses of the participants to the questionnaires used prior to and after each human-robot interaction (see Sect. 4.1.2 for details). We performed Wilcoxon Signed-Rank statistical Tests and an analysis of the effect size [107, pp. 224–225] in order to compare the scores given to Nao-Chatbot and to Nao-SONAR (see Sect. 4.1.5 for details). Wilcoxon Signed-Rank tests were conducted against the “greater” alternative hypothesis,Footnote 15 in order to assess whether or not the higher scores were attributed to Nao-SONAR.

Next, we discuss all the results. For the sake of compactness we focus and present, via tables and figures, only those data that resulted in both a significant statistical test (i.e., p-value \(\le 0.05\)) and a non-negligible measured effect size (i.e., effect size \(\ge 0.1\)). The complete data set corresponding to the results of the questionnaires can be found in the online appendix [34]. Table 4 gives the significance and the effect size regarding the questions from the questionnaires of the Main trial phase described in Sect. 4.1.2 (Fig. 7, illustrates these results via the Likert data and shows the distribution of the answers). Table 4 also contains the exact questions asked to the participants. Table 5 reports the frequencies of similar answers for all questions of the USUS-based Questionnaire on Societal Impact.

Next, we briefly discuss more in details the results for the three questionnaires.

Table 4 Statistical results obtained for the questions of the questionnaires filled in prior to, during, and after the experiments via the participants, that resulted in a significant difference and a non-negligible effect size
Fig. 7
figure 7

Likert plots for the questions that resulted in both a significant difference between Nao-SONAR and Nao-Chatbot (** for \(p\le 0.01\), * for \(p\le 0.05\)) and a non-negligible effect size. In each figure, Likert data for Nao-Chatbot and Nao-SONAR for a question are indicated, respectively, via subscript B and S

Table 5 Results (% of answers for each level of agreement on a 5-point likert scale) obtained for the questions of the USUS-based questionnaire on societal impact filled in at the end of the entire experiment

Perceived robot personality According to the results of the questionnaires on the perceived robot personality, the participants perceived Nao-SONAR as significantly more sociable, active, assertive, considerate, reactive, proactive and autonomous, compared to Nao-Chatbot.

No significant difference was identified between Nao-SONAR and Nao-Chatbot in the perception of the participants about the robot coming across as shy, vulnerable, anxious, tense, creative, excitement seeking, dominant, aggressive, impulsive, capable of autonomously/independently making decisions, intentional, predictable, or controllable.

These results are in line with our initial expectations, based on the steering systems for the behavior of Nao-SONAR and Nao-Chatbot. In summary, compared to Nao-Chatbot, the participants perceived Nao-SONAR as more sociable, reactive, proactive, and autonomous, the four qualities that characterize intelligent and autonomous agents according to the AI literature [83].

Usability and social acceptance Nao-SONAR received significantly higher scores than Nao-Chatbot in terms of being capable of performing multiple tasks, exhibiting more skills (the interpretation of the term skills was left to the participants, but both robots shared the same physical skills), and being useful as a companion robot. Compared to Nao-Chatbot, the participants reported significantly higher scores for Nao-SONAR also in terms of feeling more comfortable with and better understood by the robot during interactions, and in terms of their perception of having something in common with the robot. The participants reported significantly higher scores for Nao-SONAR when asked if they would follow the advice of the robot. Moreover, Nao-SONAR was perceived significantly more as a social actor than Nao-Chatbot via the participants.

Based on the results of the questionnaires, no significant differences were identified regarding the ease of familiarization, predictability, verbal and non-verbal communication easiness, capability to self-correct, responsiveness, and stability of the robot (i.e., the robot being without defects), as well as in the perceived capability of the robot for helping the participants with the tasks and supporting them in their daily life. Moreover, no significant differences were reported in the perception of the participants about their capability to steer the behavior of the robot during the interactions via their own speech or behavior, in the perceived easiness of interactions with the robot, and in feeling threatened by the robot or being more afraid about making mistakes while interacting with the robot. Similarly, no significant differences were reported in the robot’s perceived level of trust, likability, and usefulness for entertainment. Finally, there were no significant differences in the surveys concerning the perceived necessity for help or training for using the robot.

Overall, these results are in line with expectations, as the differences between the two robots mainly concerned the tasks that they could perform, but for both Nao-Chatbot and Nao-SONAR the same physical robot was used, and the two versions did not exhibit particular differences in terms of responsiveness, stability, and in general usability-related aspects since both robots could carry a conversation. Furthermore, the participants were briefly exposed to the robot before the beginning of the experiment. This resulted, as desired, in no significant differences in easiness of familiarization, predictability, easiness to interact and need for training.

User experience Participants enjoyed significantly more interacting with Nao-SONAR. The behavior of Nao-SONAR was interpreted as significantly more appropriate and ethical than Nao-Chatbot. Similarly, the perception that Nao-SONAR had different behaviors during the different tasks, could interpret the participants’ speech, and could adequately communicate, were significantly higher than the same perceptions for Nao-Chatbot.

No significant difference was noted in terms of feeling that the robot could interact more like a human would do, social engagement, feeling of surprise, satisfaction, feeling of attachment, perceived meaningful behavior of the robot, perceived capability of the robot to recognizing their facial expression (none of the robots could do that), and robot’s understanding of human intentions and social cues. The participants did not notice differences in feeling safe and secure, feeling understood by the robot, the robot expression of emotions, and interest in seeing the robot employed as a social companion.

Results indicate that, as desired, introducing additional social behaviors and proactiveness lead to more enjoyable interactions between a robot and a human. Nao-SONAR’s awareness of several rules of behaviors (e.g., those related to greetings, ending a conversation, establishing trust, changing behavior according to its role, proactiveness) led the participants to consider Nao-SONAR’s behavior as significantly more appropriate and adequate than that of Nao-Chatbot (\(Q_{56}\) resulted in the highest effect size among all questions). Interestingly, the participants experienced communications with Nao-SONAR easier than with Nao-Chatbot, even though both robots shared the same language model. The lack of reported differences in understanding social cues is reflected in the results from Task 4.

Societal impact The 88% of the participants agreed or strongly agreed that they like having computers/computer technology as part of their home environment. 64% liked the idea of having a robot as a companion at home. The great majority (88%) agreed or strongly agreed that robots will have a place as social companions in our society in the future. Even though only 60% agreed or strongly agreed that employment of robots as social companions will provide change of quality of life for people in the future, 88% of them agreed or strongly agreed that robots could help them learn new things, and that they could be used in school for education purposes.

All the participants (100%) agreed or strongly agreed that future robots should be controllable, 92% of them agreed or strongly agreed that robots should behave considerately, and 72% agreed or strongly agreed that they should be predictable. Similarly, 72% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that a robot companion should be aware of the cultural context in which is placed, and 92% that a robot companion should be aware of social norms and appropriate behaviors.

Participants did not agree that robot companions should have human-like appearance (56% of them disagreed or strongly disagreed and 40% neither agreed nor disagreed). Similarly, participants had mixed feedback about robot companions’ need to behave like humans (44% disagreed or strongly disagreed, 28% neither agreed nor disagreed and 28% agreed or strongly agreed). Finally, 56% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that robot companions should communicate like humans, even though 20% disagreed.

The results provide a strong motivation for the type of work presented in this paper, and highlight the importance of solutions that account for social and cultural norms in social robots to enable appropriate, predictable and considerate behaviors, as well as mechanisms for the direct control of such robots.

Explicitly reported differences between the two interactions As part of the final questionnaire, participants were asked if they found any difference between the two interactions and, if so, to give more details. All participants’ responses can be found in the online appendix, together with the answers to all questions of all questionnaires. We briefly summarize here the comments.

In total 23 participants out of 25 (i.e., 92%) noticed some differences. Eight participants (35% of the 23 participants) noted that Nao-Chatbot was more passive compared to Nao-SONAR, which instead was interpreted as more active and leading during the conversation. Seven participants (30%) indicated that Nao-SONAR was more interacting and lively. Five participants (22%) indicated that Nao-SONAR was more agreeable, nicer, funnier or meaningful, and four (17%) participants noticed that Nao-SONAR made more movements, had a more expressive body language, and was more attentive towards the environment, reactive and adaptive. Three participants (13%) noted that Nao-SONAR made its own twists during the conversation and considered it more unpredictable. Two participants (9%) indicated that Nao-SONAR could not do much with their story.

Interestingly, while four participants (17%) indicated Nao-Chatbot as more interesting and more verbal, and three participants (13%) indicated that Nao-Chatbot was easier to understand and more meaningful and natural, six participants (23%) reported that Nao-Chatbot was more of a self-directed entity, with its own opinions, sometimes uncooperative, less friendly, aggressive, sarcastic and scary. Two participants (9%) indicated that Nao-Chatbot was pure chaos and that they could not understand each other at all. One participant (4%) reported that Nao-Chatbot was inappropriate (e.g., too expressive, or agreeing with inappropriate concepts), while considered Nao-SONAR more considerate.

6 Case Study: Learning the Norms of a Society

In this section, we discuss our experiments for assessing the mechanisms proposed in Sect. 3.3 for learning the norms and adapting the corresponding rules that are expressed in SONAR via fuzzy rules. More specifically, we investigate the following research question via computer simulations: RQ2. To what extent do the proposed norm adaptation mechanisms enable a robot to learn appropriate behaviors (with respect to the norms) when the robot is placed in a new society?

Table 6 (a) Rules of behaviors given different situation characteristics: Each row represents three rules. For example, the first row contains rules of the form “If the situation is related to Duty, then it is appropriate to keep a High distance from other people, a Low volume of voice, and a Low amount of movements”. (b) Parameters of the distributions that characterize different types of interpersonal distance, volume of voice, and amount of movements for Societies A and B. SD stands for standard deviation

We investigate the norm adaptation for both when the robot (case 1) can rely on perfect data about the interactions of members of a society (i.e., the robot is given correct information about how to interpret an observed situation), and (case 2) when the robot needs to infer the correct interpretation of the situation (e.g., from situation cues that are observed during the interactions). Case 1 enables us to investigate whether or not the norm adaptation mechanisms work as intended, and to what extent it can be employed at design-time to teach a robot adequate behaviors from data before being deployed in the real world. Case 2 allows us to investigate the effectiveness of the norm adaptation, in a more realistic run-time setting.

6.1 Methodology of the Case Study

We simulate a scenario where a robot is placed in a society (e.g., a country). The robot is given some knowledge, encoded as a set of fuzzy behavior qualification rules, about the norms of the society, but it is not given information about the meanings of the (fuzzy) terms characterizing the norms, which need to be learnt. For example, the robot is instructed to keep a Low volume of voice in duty-related situations, but it needs to learn which volumes are considered Low in the society. By learning such meanings, the robot is expected to learn appropriate behaviors for a society.

6.1.1 Experiment Design

In this section, we explain the various aspects of the design of the computer-based simulations that have been used to assess the norm adaptation mechanisms.

We consider two different hypothetical societies A and B, and eight types of situations that should be considered by the robot, i.e., the eight DIAMONDS situation characteristics (i.e., Duty, Intellect, Adversity, Mating, Positivity, Negativity, Deception, and Sociality) identified by Rauthmann et al. [69].

Norms and behavior qualification rules We define a set of (arbitrary) norms that characterize the way individuals of a society behave in different situations. These rules are given in Table 6a. We use these rules in our experiments both to determine the behavior of the individuals during their simulated interactions, and to define the behavior qualification rules that are initially provided to the robot. These norms have been created for the sake of the experiments and, while they are inspired by available literature (e.g., by works on proxemics [26], or on social robotics [7]), they shall be intended as an example of norms that a robot-designer would like the robot to follow and learn.

We consider three concepts that are generally relevant in human-robot interactions (see, e.g., [26, 108]), and can be represented via fuzzy linguistic variables: the interpersonal distance, the volume of voice, and the amount of movements exhibited during the interactions. For each of the two societies A and B, we define a Gaussian distribution that characterizes each of the following nine terms as indicated in Table 6b: Low, Medium, High interpersonal distance, measured in meters from 0 to 4, Low, Medium, High volume of voice, measured in dB from 0 to 100, Low, Medium, High degree of gesticulation, measured in an arbitrary scale from 0 to 1. These distributions characterize the ground truth interpretation that members of a society attribute to certain concepts. For example, in Society A, the majority of individuals would consider a distance of 0.5 ms as low. The distributions in Table 6b are weakly based on available knowledge [26, 109], but for this paper they should be considered as arbitrary and defined for the sake of conducting and evaluating experiments via simulations (for example, the values of the movements are defined on an arbitrary scale from 0 to 1). In a real setting, these distributions are not required to be defined explicitly, for they represent the behavior that individuals exhibit during their interactions and that a robot may observe when placed in the society.

Data set of simulated interactions

In order to simulate the robot’s acquisition of data about human interactions in a particular society, we generate a data set based on the rules and linguistic variables defined in Table 6.

A sample of the data set is reported in Table 7. Each data point in the data set contains a value for the Society (i.e., A or B), for the Situation (i.e., one of the eight DIAMONDS), and for the three dynamic linguistic variables (i.e., a value for distance, volume, and movements).

We generate 10 data sets of size 1000 (5 data sets for Society A and 5 data sets for Society B), each with 125 data points for each of the 8 DIAMONDS situation characteristics.

Table 7 Sample of the data set used in our experiments to characterize simulated human–robot interactions in different situations

Every data point in the data set corresponds to a hypothetical interaction observed by the robot in a situation that mainly pertains to one of the DIAMONDS characteristic. The values of distance, volume, movements correspond to hypothetical values measured by the robot during the interaction (or, more generally, collected from human interactions). Therefore, by feeding, one at a time, every data point, to the norm adaptation mechanism, we simulate a series of 1000 (the data sets size) robot’s observations of human interactions.

We note that the data set was derived from available knowledge about the considered linguistic variables in order to ensure a reasonable degree of realism. However, we emphasize that the data set should be viewed as an illustrative example of the type of data that a robot could gather from its sensor data, for the purpose of evaluating the proposed norm adaptation mechanisms. In particular, we investigate whether the proposed norm adaptation mechanism allows a robot that is placed in a certain society to learn the norms that individuals follow for behaving and interacting (i.e., those from Table 6a).

Configurations for norm adaptation parameters

We distinguish two system configurations for our experiments: Case 1. Perfect information and Case 2. Inferred information.

In Case 1, the robot is given correct information about the situation in which certain values of the dynamic variables are observed (e.g., for the observed values of distance, volume and movements, in the first data point in Table 7, the robot is given information that the situation is related to Duty).

Table 8 Results of the adaptation procedure

In Case 2, the robot is given, in some cases, wrong information about how to interpret the situation (e.g., the observed values in the first data point in Table 7 could be wrongly associated with Sociality instead of Duty). This allows us to simulate cases where the robot is placed in a society and needs to autonomously infer how to interpret a situation (via the application of social interpretation rules from situation cues, like those reported by Rauthmann et al. [69, p. 692, Table 5], that are observed during the human-robot interactions). Since autonomous inference of the situational interpretation may be prone to errors, this configuration allows us to evaluate the robustness of the proposed adaptation mechanism to data noise.

For each data point, in Case 2, in 80% of the cases we select the correct situation, while in the remaining 20% of the cases we randomly choose a wrong situation (i.e., we simulate a 20% chance of misinterpreting the correct situation). More specifically, we randomly choose a wrong situation from those DIAMONDS that in Table 6 have no common rule of behavior with the correct situation, e.g., if the correct situation is Duty, then we choose a wrong situation between Positivity, Deception, and Sociality, none of which has any rule of behavior in common with the Duty situation.

For each configuration, we consider two sub-configurations, requiring respectively 10 and 40 data points in order to trigger an adaptation (where 10 and 40 correspond to the threshold value \(\tau \) as per Sect. 3.3). We repeat the experiments five times (one per data set) for each society considering all combinations of parameters. Therefore, in total we execute 40 experiments: \(2~(\text {cases})\times 2~ (\text {societies})\times 2~(\text {sub-configurations})\times 5~ (\text {data sets})= 40\).

6.1.2 Metrics

We evaluate the norm adaptation w.r.t. the following metrics, which characterize the errors \(\epsilon _{\text {c}}\) and \(\epsilon _{\text {w}}\) over time in the core center and the core width for the estimated membership functions w.r.t. the true distributions based on Table 6b.

Let \(c_{i,j,k}\) and \(w_{i,j,k}\) be, respectively, the core center and the core width estimated by the norm adaptation mechanism after using i data points for the k-th membership function in the partition of the j-th dynamic variable in the set of all dynamic variables V. Let \({\hat{c}}_{j,k}\) and \({\hat{w}}_{j,k}\) be, respectively, the desired core center and the desired core width of the k-th membership function in the partition of the j-th dynamic variable, i.e., respectively the mean and standard deviation of the true distributions from Table 6b.

The error \(\epsilon _{\text {c}}\) after using N data points (corresponding to N simulated human-robot interactions) is measured as the RMSE w.r.t. the average core center over the N data points across all dynamic variables in set V, i.e.:

$$\begin{aligned} \epsilon _{\text {c}} = \frac{\sqrt{\sum _{i=1}^{N} e_{\text {c},i}^2}}{N}, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} e_{\text {c},i} = \frac{\sum _{j=1}^{\mid V \mid } {\bar{e}}_{\text {c}, i, j} }{\mid V \mid } \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {\bar{e}}_{\text {c},i,j} = \frac{\sqrt{\frac{\sum _{k=1}^{\mid P_j\mid }(c_{i,j,k}-{\hat{c}}_{j,k})^2}{\mid P_j\mid }}}{\sum _{k=1}^{\mid P_j\mid }c_{i,j,k}}. \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, the error \(\epsilon _{\text {w}}\) after using N data points is measured as the RMSE w.r.t. the average core width over the N data points across all dynamic variables within set V.

We analyze the metrics by considering both the results obtained for the entire data set composed of 1000 data points, and those obtained for the last 200 data points of the data set. The latter allows us to study the error after the learning phase has been completed.

6.2 Results

Table 8 reports the results obtained for the adaptation procedure in the different configurations of experiments. The results are given as the average ± the standard deviation values obtained over the 5 different data sets.

We note that the results for the two different societies are analogous. Considering the cases with \(\tau =10\), we can see that using perfect information (case 1) leads to membership functions that approximate the true distributions accurately. This can be seen in Table 8 from the error values, which are very close to zero for the last 200 data points, for both the core center and the core width of the membership functions. This indicates that the proposed norm adaptation procedure can be employed in a real-time setting to accurately learn the interpretation of norms in a given society when perfect information is provided about how to interpret the situations. Similar results are obtained also for the inferred information (case 2). The results indicate that the membership functions are approximated effectively despite imperfect information, even though in some cases with a higher variability in the error.

In both cases, the core width error is more variable, because it is more affected by the data points collected and used for calculating the error: the fewer the data points, the stronger the influence that outliers have on the adaptation. This effect can be reduced by requiring more data points in order to perform the adaptation. We show this by evaluating the configuration with \(\tau =40\). In this case, the results show that the approach is less subject to outliers, i.e., compared to \(\tau =10\), the variability of all the errors is lower.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Example for one data set for Society B showing the trend of the average RMSE w.r.t. the core center (a) and core width (b) after adding every data point for adaptation, for case 1 and \(\tau =10\) (see the red solid curve), for case 2 and \(\tau =10\) (see the blue dashed curve), for case 1 and \(\tau =40\) (see the brown dash-dotted curve), and for case 2 and \(\tau =40\) (see the black dotted curve)

Figure 8 reports the trend for the errors in our simulations for one data set in the case of Society B (analogous results can be observed for all other cases). We note that the error quickly converges towards low values. As explained in Sect. 6.1.1, the considered data sets include 125 data points for each of the eight DIAMONDS situations. The data points are distributed evenly for each situation and according to the order reported in Table 7, i.e., the first, ninth, 17th, etc. data points concern the situation Duty, the second, 10th, 18th, etc. data points concern the situation Intellect, and so on for all the situations. Therefore, in case 1 (i.e., perfect information), the adaptation after collecting \(\tau =10\) data points is performed for the first time, for Duty, after the 73rd observed interaction (i.e., after the 10th data point has been collected for Duty). For \(\tau =40\), the first adaptation is performed after the 313th observed interaction (i.e., after the 40th data point is collected for Duty). The solid red and brown dash-dotted curves in Fig. 8a clearly illustrate this concept and show that the error converges to low values as soon as the minimum number of data points, i.e., \(\tau \), for each situation variable has been collected. In case 2 (i.e., with imperfect information, shown by the blue dashed and black dotted curves Fig. 8), the first time that the adaptation is performed slightly varies due to some of the data points being wrongly classified as intended. However, the adaptation process still quickly converges as soon as the minimum number of data points has been collected.

After converging toward low values, the error oscillates around such values for the rest of the time. Oscillations follow from the continual learning approach that we proposed, which leverages the most recent data points to determine a norm adaptation and does not require to preserve the entire data set obtained so far.

The results reported above illustrates that the mechanism can effectively be applied in real time, since it does not require large amount of data, but converges as expected even when few data points are provided at a time. Moreover, the results illustrate that, if a robot endowed with such a mechanism is placed in a new society, it can quickly adapt its rules to align with the appropriate behaviors observed in that society. Figure 9 reports an example of snapshot of the membership functions of variable Distance for Society B after the error converged to low values.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Example for one data set for Society B and \(\tau =40\), showing the adapted membership functions for the fuzzy sets of variable Distance (whose real distributions from Table 6 are reported as dashed curves) after observing the 500th data point in the data set, for a case 1 and b case 2. Note that the figure only illustrates a snapshot of the membership functions after a certain observation. In the proposed continual learning approach, the values of the membership functions are in continuous change

7 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we introduced a novel general-purpose and robot-agnostic control architecture, SONAR, standing for SOcial Norm Aware Robots. SONAR brings together various state-of-the-art technologies into an efficient control architecture for high-level automated decision making and adaptive norm-aware capabilities for social robots. By leveraging fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference, SONAR attributes social meanings to physical inputs received via the robot sensors in order to make a social interpretation of the situation where the robot operates. Based on the inferred social situation, SONAR determines appropriate, obliged, and prohibited actions, as well as modes of execution of those actions in line with the social norms and practices. Furthermore, through a continual learning approach, SONAR permits to learn social norms from data acquired during interactions with humans.

We evaluated the usability, perception, experience, and acceptance of a Nao robot steered via a Python implementation of SONAR through experiments of human-robot interactions. We considered scenarios where participants had a casual conversation with the robot, during which they performed five tasks (greeting, role playing game, discussing a personal issue, paying attention to an object, goodbye). The robot, steered by SONAR, interacted fully autonomously with the participants, by leveraging GPT-based large language models for natural language processing and generation, and normative reasoning for determining adequate and proactive behaviors based on the task being executed.

The results of our experiments indicate that our implementation of SONAR can be effectively and efficiently used in human-robot interactions (RQ1.1). Despite the exploratory nature of our study, the Nao-SONAR robot, leveraging social and norm awareness via SONAR, successfully completed about \(80\%\) of the tasks. The results also indicate that Nao-SONAR leads to more positive and enjoyable interactions with Nao, compared to using Nao-Chatbot, which leverages no explicit social and normative reasoning (RQ1.2). Nao-SONAR was perceived as more sociable, active, assertive, considerate, appropriate, reactive, proactive, and autonomous, compared to Nao-Chatbot. Communication with Nao-SONAR was experienced as easier than with Nao-Chatbot, even though both robots relied on the same language model.

We also investigated, via computer-based simulations, the extent to which SONAR can be used to learn social norms of a society. The results of our simulations indicate that the proposed norm-adaptation mechanism can quickly learn new rules of behavior in a society, and requires little amount of data to adapt to new norms (RQ2).

Limitations The results from human-robot interactions indicate that further work is needed to improve the accuracy of our implementation, in particular concerning the detection of social cues and the intentions of humans. In the future, we intend to extend SONAR to refine its algorithms and parameters (e.g., for mining the intentions of humans with more precision from natural language). In addition, we intend to test better sensors (e.g., cameras with higher sensitivity and zooming capabilities) and image detection algorithms to improve the detection of social cues. Additionally, we intend to investigate efficient sensor fusion mechanisms that can further improve the gathering of the social cues and the interpretation of the context by using various (possibly non-homogeneous) data, such as temperature and light intensity.

Our experiments also indicate that some of the rules of behaviors and norms that we introduced were too simplistic and required more fine grained conditions to improve their accuracy. In real-world situations, accurate rules might require considering many cues and conditions (including the content of the speech, the voice tone, the body posture, etc.). Defining rules for all possible situations by hand, as currently done in this paper, is clearly not feasible in the general case and represents a limitation of our work. In future work, we aim to investigate how SONAR can autonomously elicit and learn norms, e.g., by employing learning techniques such as those discussed in [25, 27, 88, 110]. In this scenario, mechanisms for conflict resolution and filtering the rules, and for ensuring coherence of the rules should also be considered (e.g., [111, 112]).

Additionally, the quality of conversations in our experiments varied between participants. During the Introduction phase, participants could test the robot’s understanding of their voice and adjust accordingly in order to ensure quality of the actual interactions. Despite this, in some interactions more than others, the detected speech was not always accurate. While we noted that, generally, the quality of interactions was affected by the accuracy of the speech recognition (with more interesting and natural conversations occurring when speech recognition was more accurate), we leave for future work an in-depth analysis of these aspects.

Finally, the evaluation of SONAR presented in this paper is not exhaustive and especially does not fully assess SONAR in comparison with other existing architectures. A systematic and formal comparative evaluation of the structure and behavior of the architecture is needed to adequately assess various properties such as consistency, completeness, and correctness of SONAR. Additionally, a systematic assessment of the scalability of SONAR in terms of the number of agents and the computational load that could be handled by these agents in real time, needs to be conducted. Further experiments concerning the norm-adaptation algorithms are required to assess their effectiveness in learning and adapting to personal norms, in addition to the societal ones. We also intend to introduce support for considering, during norm-adaptation, larger variations in the multiple social interpretations that can be attributed to a given situation.

Future research directions The participants in our study that involved a Nao humanoid robot indicated no preference for robot companions to have human-like appearances. These findings that are in line with uncanny valley theory [113] (the hypothesis that highly realistic humanoid robots will risk eliciting eerie feelings in people), deserve further investigation. In future research, we intend to integrate our implementation of SONAR with various humanoid and non-humanoid robots to explore whether or not the naturalness and acceptance of SONAR-based social companions is affected by the uncanny valley effect.

Similarly, we intend to investigate whether user perceptions vary when the robot considers different norms and how various types of norms influence user perception. This exploration could pave the way for intriguing studies in human-robot interaction (HRI) encompassing cultural dimensions. While our initial experiments offer preliminary insights in this direction-comparing a system incorporating various norms (Nao-SONAR) with a norm-agnostic system (Nao-Chatbot)-further investigation remains a critical aspect of our future research agenda. We hope that the promising outcomes presented herein will also inspire and facilitate other fellow researchers to embark on similar studies leveraging SONAR.

Our future work also includes delving into the effectiveness of SONAR in socially assistive contexts, where Socially Assistive Robots [114, 115] are increasingly used to implement, for example, robot-mediated therapeutic interventions in autism spectrum disorder [116, 117] or in dementia care [118]. This future work will entail encoding and learning the social norms that are tailored to the therapeutic domain and to the individual patient. These norms can be designed based on established guidelines [119], common practices in accepted therapeutic interventions [118], and personalized indications given by the caregivers and available medical knowledge about the patient (similarly to [25]). Additionally, future work should investigate how to automatically elicit and learn (e.g., as in [25, 27, 88, 110]) personal norms that characterize individual patient preferences, for example from dialogues and interactions with the patients and caregivers.

An interesting direction for future work is the integration of safety rules (e.g., safety zones) in our architecture [120, 121]. More particularly, we hypothesize that safety rules could be represented via norms encoded via fuzzy rules, and that normative reasoning could ensure safe human-robot collaboration in a shared workspace.

Finally, we believe that a hybrid architecture like SONAR, which combines symbolic and sub-symbolic reasoning and learning, could support several important approaches for robots in human-centered environments [122] and for hybrid intelligence systems [3, 99] beyond human-robot systems, which we intend to explore in future work. These include a computational theory of mind [123], multi-agent communication, and human-AI (norm-based) explainability approaches [30, 124].