Service quality is extremely important in the Chinese express industry as it affects customer loyalty and satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants that influence the quality of services provided by using mobile devices (mobile services quality) in the Chinese express industry. A survey was used to collect data from customers in China. Analysis of the collected data resulted in six determinants (M1 to M6). M1 addresses empathy, M5 tangibility, and M4 and M6 assurance. M2 covers responsiveness and assurance, and M3 reliability and responsiveness. The findings showed that the Chinese express industry should take these six determinants as a unified set when assessing mobile services quality which will guide businesses wishing to enhance their services. Neglect of any determinant will lead to a drop of quality, and in turn will be detrimental to the overall improvement of service quality in the Chinese express industry.
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This paper is partially supported by the funded project “The 11th Five-Year Plan” national scientific and technological supported program (Project Number: 2006BAH02A36-010). We would like to thank the constructive comments offered by Lingyan Fang, Meihong Zhu, Yiming Yang.
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Zhuo, J., Wei, J., Liu, L.C. et al. An examination of the determinants of service quality in the Chinese express industry. Electron Markets 23, 163–172 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-013-0133-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-013-0133-7