While bricks-and-mortar-only retailers do not offer online purchasing, they often take advantage of multi-channel management strategies to reach consumers in a pre-purchase phase. We investigate whether paid search can increase the sales of brick-and-mortar retailers who promote their offers via an informational website. Although a sizeable one third of all retailers still trade without an online-shop, previous work has been silent about the effects of paid search for them. We make use of a randomized field experiment and an end-to-end tracking mechanism to investigate the cross-channel behavior of individual consumers. Our empirical results suggest that, whilst paid search increases the number of potential customers through enhancing the reach of marketing initiatives, store sales are not increased. We conclude that customers who search online to buy offline primarily use paid search as a navigational shortcut to the retailer’s website. Consequently, bricks-and-mortar-only retailers seeking to increase store purchases should approach paid search with caution.
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We are grateful for comments on a previous version of this paper received by the editors, reviewers and conference participants at the 13th International Conference “Wirtschaftsinformatik “in St. Gallen. We thank our partnering firm finke Das Erlebnis-Einrichten Gmbh & Co KG for giving us the opportunity to conduct the field experiment as well as the special issue editors and the review team of Electronic Markets who provided us with insightful feedback and suggestions throughout the review rounds. Beyond that, we also benefited from helpful discussions with René Fahr, Behnud Mir Djawadi and Dominik Gutt.
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Appendix 1: Top 100 Search Terms
In accordance with Rutz et al. (2011) we made use of generic search terms as well as brand-specific requests and placed ads for both categories in our experiment. Furthermore, we excluded search requests containing the retailer’s name to enhance the probability of new customers being exposed to the crafted ad. The list below provides the 100 search terms which received the most clicks in the course of the experiment. Please note that search terms were translated from German to English. Location names were replaced by “<location name>“. Naturally, furniture brand names (marked with the prefix “b:”) were not translated. A “+” indicates the applied modified broad match option of Google AdWords.
armchair | bench +online | corner sofa | furniture +online | shelf |
b: bretz | bookshelf | corner wardrobe | glass tables | side table |
b: hülsta | bowls | couch | guest bed | sideboard |
b: jensen | box spring bed | cushion | henders hazel | single bed |
b: kare | box spring sofa | cutlery | innerspring mattress | slatted frame |
b: kare + < location name> | bunk bed | decoration | kitchen table | sliding door cabinet |
b: loddenkemper | bureau | dining room table | leather sofa | sliding door cabinet +cheap |
b: musterring | cabinet | dining set | library | sofa bed |
b: rolf benz | canopy bed | dining table | lounge suite | solid wood cabinet |
b: stressless | cantilever | dishes | loungers | table |
bar table | CD shelf | double bed | mattress | television armchair |
beanbag | coffee table | dressing table | mattress + < location name> | television furniture |
bed | cold foam mattress | DVD shelf | metal bed | upholstered beds |
bed + < location name> | commode | extending table | pans | upholstered furniture |
bed +buy | console table | frame + < location name> | rattanbed | upholstered furniture + < location name> |
bed +cheap | corner bench | frame +buy | recamiere | wardrobe |
bed +online | corner bench group | functional bed | relax arm chair | wardrobe + < location name> |
bedstead | corner cabinet | furniture | relax loungers | wardrobe +buy |
bench | corner display case | furniture + < location name> | room divider | wing chair |
bench + < location name> | corner shelf | furniture +cheap | round tables | wooden bench |
Appendix 2: Experimental Design: Grouping Combinations
To allow for valid claims in regard to the offline impact of paid search, a matched-subject design is applied. Grouping was performed based on two key performance indicators, namely (1) advertising reach and (2) revenue per customer. In order to determine the most appropriate candidate group all possible grouping combinations were evaluated based on the performance indicators. The Table below depicts all possible grouping combinations. We chose the grouping (BDF-ACE) as this grouping yielded the lowest group differences in terms of advertising reach as well as revenue per customer. To prevent selection biases, we chose the group BDF-ACE instead of group ACE-BDF as this group yields a lower but statistically insignificant (p = 0.854) advertising impact (−1.2%) as well as a reduced but statistically insignificant (p = 0.455) revenue per customer (−0.3%).
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Schlangenotto, D., Kundisch, D. & Wünderlich, N.V. Is paid search overrated? When bricks-and-mortar-only retailers should not use paid search. Electron Markets 28, 407–421 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-018-0287-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-018-0287-4
- Paid search
- Consumer behavior across channels
- Substitution effects
- Field experiment
- Bricks-and-mortar-only