The flipped classroom model is an instructional model in which students learn basic subject matter knowledge prior to in-class meetings, then come to the classroom for active learning experiences. Previous research has shown that the flipped classroom model can motivate students towards active learning, can improve their higher-order thinking skills, and can improve their collaborative learning skills. However, most current studies focus on students’ experiences with flipped classroom learning. Because so few studies address the instructor’s perspective, and instructors’ perspectives on technology integration can directly influence their practice of incorporating technology in instruction, this study sought to focus on instructors. This paper is a qualitative case study that reveals instructors’ experiences and perspectives on using the flipped classroom model in instruction. Structured interviews were conducted with eight faculty members who either previously had used or planned to use the flipped classroom model. Findings include instructors’ perceived definitions of the flipped classroom, how they improved teaching and learning by using the flipped classroom model, their perceived benefits and challenges of the flipped classroom, and perceived approaches of using it in an effective way. The participants also recommended peer assistance among instructors as valuable support to implement the flipped classroom model in instruction successfully.
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Long, T., Cummins, J. & Waugh, M. Use of the flipped classroom instructional model in higher education: instructors’ perspectives. J Comput High Educ 29, 179–200 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-016-9119-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-016-9119-8