A novel technique for characterizing hypernasal vowels and words using nonlinear dynamics is presented considering different complexity measures that are mainly based on the analysis of the time-delay embedded space. After the characterization stage, feature selection is performed by means of two different strategies: principal components analysis and sequential floating feature selection. The final decision about the presence or absence of hypernasality is carried out using a Soft Margin-Support Vector Machine. The database used in the study is composed of the five Spanish vowels uttered by 266 children, 110 healthy and 156 labeled as hypernasal by a experienced voice therapist. The database also includes the words /coco/ and /gato/ uttered by 119 children; 65 of which were diagnosed as hypernasal and the rest 54 as healthy. The results are presented in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. ROC curves are also included as a widely accepted way to measure the performance of a detection system. The experiments show that the proposed methodology achieves an accuracy of up to 92.08 % using, together, the best subset of features extracted from every vowel and 89.09 % using the combination of the most relevant features in the case of words.

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This work was funded by ARTICA, financed by COLCIENCIAS and Ministerio de TIC in Colombia, project \(\hbox{N}^{\deg}\)1115-470-22055, in association with the Clínica Noel, Medellín. Also by CODI at Universidad de Antioquia, project MC11-1-03, by “Convocatoria 528 para estudios de doctorado en Colombia, generación del bicentenario, (COLCIENCIAS 2011)” and the project 2010238-PI/UAN-2011-473bit from Universidad Antonio Nariño, Colombia.
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Orozco-Arroyave, J.R., Vargas-Bonilla, J.F., Arias-Londoño, J.D. et al. Nonlinear Dynamics for Hypernasality Detection in Spanish Vowels and Words. Cogn Comput 5, 448–457 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12559-012-9166-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12559-012-9166-z