There is no doubt that at least since the 1990s process orientation has evolved into one of the central paradigms of organizational design. Since then, all process management subtasks have matured. Process management decisions, however, lack economic foundation. They are usually based on qualitative or technical criteria or on plausibility considerations that do not necessarily comply with typical objectives in a market economy. Consequently, design alternatives are hardly comparable and an integrated valuation of a company’s assets is impossible. The status quo is astonishing for several reasons: First, process management decisions usually imply investment projects with different risk/return positions and capital tie-up. Second, the need for designing processes according to their contribution to corporate objectives has been explicated repeatedly. Third, the paradigm of value-based management is an accepted theoretical framework from economic research that enables to consistently valuate the risk/return effects of decisions across functional areas, hierarchy levels, and asset classes. This suggests the hypothesis that process management in general as well as the goal orientation of process management decisions in particular have evolved almost independently of value-based management. In the paper at hand, this hypothesis is confirmed based on a sample of process management publications. We therefore explicate the research gap as regards value orientation in process management. In order to bridge the gap between value-based management and process-oriented organizational design, we transfer economically well-founded objective functions to process management decisions.
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Grateful acknowledgement is due to the DFG (German Research Foundation) for their support of the projects “Modeling, self-composition and self-configuration of reference processes based on semantic concepts (SEMPRO2)” (BU 809/7-2) and “Integrated Enterprise Balancing (IEB)” (BU 809/8-1) making this paper possible.
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Accepted after three revisions by Prof. Dr. Peter Buxmann.
This article is also available in German in print and via http://www.wirtschaftsinformatik.de: Buhl HU, Röglinger M, Stöckl S, Braunwarth KS (2011) Wertorientierung im Prozessmanagement. Forschungslücke und Beitrag zu betriebswirtschaftlich fundierten Prozessmanagement-Entscheidungen. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK. doi: 10.1007/s11576-011-0271-5.
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Buhl, H.U., Röglinger, M., Stöckl, S. et al. Value Orientation in Process Management. Bus Inf Syst Eng 3, 163–172 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12599-011-0157-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12599-011-0157-5