In the present study, the unsteady flow through a sudden expansion pipe with an expansion ratio of 1:3 is numerically modeled using dynamic delayed detached-eddy simulation (dynamic DDES), and the flow noise mechanism and the downstream noise propagation behaviors are analyzed using Lighthill’s acoustic analogy. The numerical results for turbulent flow with a Reynolds number of 15,000 are validated against planar particle image velocimetry measurements. The acoustic sources are identified as acoustic quadrupoles in the high-shear flow region and acoustic dipoles on the expansion and downstream walls. The volume quadrupole acoustic source, which is particularly energetic in the low frequency region, is found to concentrate in the separating and reattaching area. On the downstream wall, the reattaching flow gives rise to the peak acoustic dipole, which attenuates beyond the station x/d = 10. On the expansion wall, the alternating appearance of a peak sound-pressure level (SPL) pair resembles the pipe circumferential sound mode beyond the cut-off frequency. The SPL distributions on the downstream wall are closely related to the noise propagation behavior. In the low-frequency region, the total noise in the far-downstream pipe section is dominated by acoustic dipoles on the downstream wall and volume acoustic quadrupoles in the high-shear flow region, whereas the major contribution in the high-frequency region is from acoustic dipoles on the expansion and downstream walls.
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- CAA:
Computational aeroacoustics
- CFL:
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor
- DES:
Detached-eddy simulation
Delayed detached-eddy simulation
Diagonal-incomplete lower upper
- FIV:
Flow-induced vibration
Geometric–algebraic multi-grid
- LCW:
Liquid cooling water
- LIC:
Line integral convolution
- LES:
Large-eddy simulation
Linear-upwind stabilized transport
- OpenFOAM:
Open-source field operation and manipulation
- PIV:
Particle image velocimetry
- POD:
Proper orthogonal decomposition
- PBiCG:
Preconditioned bi-conjugate gradient
Pressure-implicit split operator
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes
Semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations
- SPL:
Sound pressure level
Wall modeled large eddy simulation
- d :
Pipe diameter
- d h :
Hollow glass spheres diameter
- \({\text{Re}}_{{\text{d}}}\) :
Reynolds number
- \(St\) :
Strouhal number
- \(S_{{{\text{ij}}}}\) :
Surface acoustic contribution
- \(T_{{{\text{ij}}}}\) :
Lighthill stress tensor
- \(U_{0}\) :
Inflow velocity
- \(U_{{\text{m}}}\) :
Mean streamwise velocity
- \(V_{{{\text{ij}}}}\) :
Volume acoustic contribution
- \(x\) :
Cartesian coordinates in the streamwise direction
- \(y\) :
Cartesian coordinates in the wall-normal direction
- y + :
Dimensionless wall distance
- \(z\) :
Cartesian coordinates in the spanwise direction
- \(\hat{\upsilon }\) :
Wall-normal component
- \(\Omega\) :
- \(\Omega_{{\text{z}}}\) :
Spanwise vorticity
- \(\rho_{{\text{h}}}\) :
Hollow glass spheres density
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The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support provided for this study by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11725209).
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Li, F., Wang, P., He, C. et al. Dynamic delayed detached-eddy simulation and acoustic analogy analysis of unsteady flow through a sudden expansion pipe. J Vis 25, 999–1015 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12650-022-00846-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12650-022-00846-7