As a deposition alleviation approach, the purging of dust from the internal cooling channels of turbine blade has received much attention. In this study, the dust purge hole (DPH) effect on the thermal, particle deposition and purge behaviors inside the internal channel are studied numerically. Three DPH configurations (hole I aside the inlet, hole II at the center, and hole III aside outlet) are adopted to explore their effect on the thermal performance and deposition of endwall, sidewall, and downstream ribbed wall, respectively. For the thermal behavior, hole I showed the highest heat transfer performance. Specifically, the area-average normalize Nusselt number at Re = 25,000 is 2.04 and 2.38 for the endwall and the leading sidewall, respectively. Numerical results of hole I showed the most severe deposition at the endwall (capture efficiency of 17.2% at Re = 25,000), while hole III showed the most at the sidewall (capture efficiency of 14.1% at Re = 25,000). As for the particle purge behavior, hole II exhibited the highest purge efficiency compared to hole I and III, which is 9.3% at Re = 25,000 and 15.7% at Re = 50,000. In general, the addition of DPH at the center (hole II) demonstrated the best performance, showing the highest purge efficiency and least particle depositions, which is recommended for DPH design in gas turbine engine.
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- \({C}_{D}\) :
Drag coefficient
- \({C}_{u}\) :
Cunningham correction factor
- \({c}_{p}\) :
Specific heat (kJ/(kg·K))
- \({D}_{h}\) :
Hydraulic diameter of channel (mm)
- \({D}_{\mathrm{hole}}\) :
Diameter of dust purge hole (mm)
- \({D}_{P}\) :
Particle diameter (\(\mu m\))
- \(E\) :
Young’s modulus between surface and particle (Pa)
- \(e\) :
Pitch height (mm)
- \({F}_{B}\) :
Brownian force
- \({F}_{D}\) :
Drag force
- \({F}_{S}\) :
Saffman’s lift force
- \({F}_{T}\) :
Thermophoretic force
- \(h\) :
Convective heat transfer coefficient (W/(m2·K))
- \({h}_{\mathrm{hole}}\) :
Thickness/height of dust purge hole (mm)
- \({K}_{c}\) :
Composite Young’s modulus
- \({m}_{\mathrm{cap}}\) :
Mass of particles deposited on the wall
- \({m}_{\mathrm{inj}}\) :
Mass of particles injected into the field
- \({N}_{\mathrm{inj}}\) :
Number of particles injected into the field
- \({N}_{\mathrm{imp}}\) :
Number of particles impacting on the wall
- \({N}_{\mathrm{dep}}\) :
Number of particles deposited on the wall
- \({N}_{\mathrm{DPH}}\) :
Number of particles discharged from dust purge hole
- \(\mathrm{Nu}\) :
Nusselt number
- \({\mathrm{Nu}}_{0}\) :
Nusselt number according to the Dittus–Boelter correlation
- \(P\) :
Rib pitch length (mm)
- \({P}_{c}\) :
Perimeter of the channel
- \(\mathrm{Pr}\) :
Prandtl number
- \(p\) :
Pressure (Pa)
- \(q\) :
Heat flux (W/m2)
- \(\mathrm{Re}\) :
Reynolds number
- \({\mathrm{Re}}_{p}\) :
Relative particle Reynolds number
- \(T\) :
Temperature (K)
- \(U\) :
Velocity vector with three-dimensional components (m/s)
- \({u}_{p}\) :
Particle velocity
- \({U}_{0}\) :
Mean inlet velocity (m/s)
- \({u}_{\mathrm{\tau c}}\) :
Critical wall shear velocity (m/s)
- \(V\) :
Velocity magnitude (m/s)
- \({V}_{d}\) :
Deposition velocity
- \({V}_{d}^{+}\) :
Dimensionless deposition velocity
- \({W}_{A}\) :
Particle sticking constant
- \(X,Y,Z\) :
Coordinate direction distance (mm)
- \(\beta\) :
Deposition mass rate
- \({\eta }_{\mathrm{imp}}\) :
Impact efficiency
- \({\eta }_{\mathrm{cap}}\) :
Capture efficiency
- \({\eta }_{p}\) :
Purge efficiency
- \(\lambda\) :
Thermal conductivity (W/(m·K))
- \(\rho\) :
Density (kg/m3)
- \({\tau }_{p}^{+}\) :
Dimensionless particle relaxation time
- \(\mu\) :
Fluid dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
- \(v\) :
Poisson’s ratio
- \(b\) :
Bulk value of fluid
- \(c\) :
- \(\mathrm{cr}\) :
Critical value
- \(p\) :
Particle property
- \(s\) :
- \(w\) :
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The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this study from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (92052107).
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Huang, W., Zhang, T., Zhou, W. et al. Influence of dust purge hole on thermal performance and particle deposition of a turbine blade with ribbed internal cooling channel. J Vis 26, 299–316 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12650-022-00886-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12650-022-00886-z