Rule-based context-aware systems are traditionally based on statically defined operational contexts. Their deployment within Web-based application frameworks featuring frequent context updates and distributed evaluation requires flexible, interoperable context representation. In this paper we present C-SBVR, an XML-based representation of contexts as rule sets in line with SBVR (Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules) specifications, and show how this format is suitable for being efficiently handled in a pipeline for context information processing on Java-based rule evaluation engines.

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The authors wish to thank Ettore Abeni for his competent work on the pipeline implementation. The authors also acknowledge the KAKENHI (21700244) support by JSPS and JSPS Invitation Fellowship S-11056 support for Prof. Ernesto Damiani.
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Appendix 1: C-SBVR Syntax
This appendix contains the lexicon and grammar specification for C-SBVR. While Table 3 contains the list of terminal and non-terminal symbols used for our grammar, Fig. 9 shows the grammar in Backus-Naur form.
Appendix 2: context evaluation
This appendix contains the analysis of a CxBR trace, including a transition rule. Execution starts once a context has been received. Besides the rules, a CxBR context includes key/value pairs, corresponding to facts known to the engine. The initial fact base is shown in Fig. 10.
The engine starts with the activation of the default context ( NORMAL in Fig. 11). Activation brings a fact-base update, adding a wall-clock fact ( Check Time value:3 ) and two “meta-facts” telling the engine that rules in the present context will be evaluated under the OW assumption and the modality is P . Then, a transition rule is successfully evaluated, and a context-switch occurs (Fig. 12), and context EMERGENCY is activated. Note that the new context operates under the the CW assumption and the prevailing modality is O . Since no transition rule fires in the new context, the engine goes on with the evaluation of individual rules. The rule evaluated (Fig. 13) inherits modality O from the context EMERGENCY it belongs to. Evaluation modifies the fact base adding to the context a new fact (key Patients Condition with value is checked . Note that when a new fact is added that requires an action in the real world, such action is carried out asynchronously by an auxiliary module called action agent. The reader interested in the actuator part of the engine is referred to paper (Sakurai et al. 2008).
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Takada, K., Sakurai, Y., Tsuruta, S. et al. An efficient language pipeline for flexible rule-based context representation. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 4, 439–450 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-012-0166-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-012-0166-3