The characteristic features of cloud computing deployment make it highly vulnerable to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. The recent advancement in software-defined networking (SDN) enhances the possibilities for defeating DDoS attacks in cloud computing environments. This option to improve the probability of defeating DDoS attacks is made feasible through the striking features of SDN that include their capability for software-oriented traffic investigation, network global dimension, dynamically updating forwarding rules and centralized point of control. This paper presents a Fuzzy self organizing maps-based DDOS mitigation (FSOMDM) technique that is ideally and suitably designed for improving the SDN capabilities of cloud computing. FSOMDM is the enhanced neural network model that effectively replaces the neurons of the traditional Kohonen neural network model through updating fuzzy rules. The property of software-oriented traffic investigation is utilized in this process and the fuzzy rule is used for exploring the dimension of input space from which a single valued output is derived for enabling the mitigation of DDoS. In addition, FSOMDM incorporates an attack-response process that possesses the significance of dropping attack flows through its enforcement in the control plane of SDN. The performance investigation of FSOMDM confirms its significance by facilitating nearly 94% of classifier accuracy evaluated in terms of true positive rate (TPR).

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Pillutla, H., Arjunan, A. Fuzzy self organizing maps-based DDoS mitigation mechanism for software defined networking in cloud computing. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 10, 1547–1559 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-018-0754-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-018-0754-y