Extreme learning machine (ELM) is a competitive machine learning approach for training single hidden layer feedforward neural networks with fast learning speed and good generalization performance. However, ELM also suffers from the imbalanced classification problem, which exists in many fields and degrades the performance of classifier significantly. In order to address this issue, in this paper, we propose a novel parallel one-class ELM based on Bayesian approach for imbalanced classification problem, named P-ELM. In P-ELM, the training dataset is firstly divided into k (k is the number of classes) components according to the class attribution of the samples, and then the divided training datasets will be fed into the corresponding k Kernel-based one-class ELM classifiers. Estimation of the probability density based on the output function of Kernel-based one-class ELM classifier is constructed. Thus, the class attribution of the samples can be judged directly by comparing the values of the output function of each Kernel-based one-class ELM classifier of P-ELM based on the Bayesian approach. The detailed performance comparison and discussions of P-ELM are performed with several related class imbalance learning approaches on some selected benchmark datasets including both the binary classification and the multiclass classification problems, as well as a real world application, i.e., the blast furnace status diagnosis problem. The experimental results show that the proposed P-ELM can achieve better performance.

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This work has been supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grants Nos. 61673056, 61333002 and 61673055) and Beijing Natural Science Foundation (No. 4182039).
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The IR is defined:
For binary classification: \(IR = \frac{{\# ({\mathrm{minority\,class}})}}{{\# ({{\mathrm{majority\,class}}})}}\),
where, \(\# ({\mathrm{minority\,class}} )\) and \(\# ({\mathrm{majority\,class}})\) are the sample number of minority class and the sample number of majority class in the binary classification problem, \(\# ({y_i})\) is the sample number of class i.
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Li, Y., Zhang, S., Yin, Y. et al. Parallel one-class extreme learning machine for imbalance learning based on Bayesian approach. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 15, 1745–1762 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-018-0994-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-018-0994-x