Nature, as a rich source of solutions, can be an inspirational guide to answer scientific expectations. Seed dispersal mechanism as one of the most common reproduction method among the plants is a unique technique with millions of years of evolutionary history. In this paper, inspired by plants survival, a novel method of optimization is presented, which is called Fertile Field Algorithm. One of the main challenges of stochastic optimization methods is related to the efficiency of the searching process for finding the global optimal solution. Seeding procedure is the most common reproduction method among all the plants. In the proposed method, the searching process is carried out through a new algorithm based on the seed dispersal mechanisms by the wind and the animals in the field. The proposed algorithm is appropriate for continuous nonlinear optimization problems. The efficiency of the proposed method is examined in details through some of the standard benchmark functions and demonstrated its capability in comparison to other nature-inspired algorithms. Obtained results show that the proposed algorithm is efficient and accurate to find optimal solutions for multimodal optimization problems with few optimal points. To evaluate the effects of the key parameters of the proposed algorithm on the results, a sensitivity analysis is carried out. Finally, to illustrate the applicability of FFA, a continuous constrained single-objective optimization problem as an optimal engineering design is considered and discussed.

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Mohammadi, M., Khodaygan, S. An algorithm for numerical nonlinear optimization: Fertile Field Algorithm (FFA). J Ambient Intell Human Comput 11, 865–878 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-019-01598-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-019-01598-3