Several popular cloud service providers such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google and others are competing to provide fast, reliable and efficient cloud services to the customers. Cloud computing has changed the cyber world by offering infrastructure and application services with rental charges. The decision making problem arises when selection has to be done amongst a wide range of available cloud service providers. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision making method for selection amongst different options with multiple criteria. Different types of ranking methods are used in AHP which have great influence on the priorities assigned to these options. In this work, we propose an efficient and simplified ranking method named as Integer Multiplication (IM) to select the best Cloud service among the available services as per the user’s preference for different criteria and past experiences with the cloud service providers. The proposed method helps in making quick decisions as per customer’s preferences. We have demonstrated the applicability of this mechanism using a case study and also through simulated results. The results verify that the efficient and simplified proposed ranking method—“Integer Multiplication” gives accurate results for cloud service selection with reduced calculations and hence time saving in cloud service selection.

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Multi-criteria decision-making
- AHP:
Analytical hierarchy process
- AM:
Arithmetic mean
- GM:
Geometric mean
- IM:
Integer multiplication
- CSP:
Cloud service provider
- CR:
Consistency ratio
- CI:
Consistency index
- Multip:
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Malhotra, A., Dhurandher, S.K., Gupta, M. et al. Integer multiplication ranking method for cloud services selection. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 12, 2003–2017 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-020-02298-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-020-02298-z