IoT entities amass a massive quantity of sensing data and transmit it to the cloud for processing as well as reasoning. Such disparate networks raise numerous research questions, say processing, storage, and management of massive data. Though numerous prevailing methodologies are presented, it brings about restricted memory, battery-centered processes, privacy, safety, low processing ability, along with compatibility that directed them to be exposed to disparate attacks, particularly during the data transmission process. To surmount such disadvantages, ‘two’ methods are proposed aimed at IoT data distribution to the cloud utilizing IANFIS in addition to secure transmission of those distributed data utilizing MECC. Initially, the IoT device is authenticated by means of performing registration, login, as well as verification for preventing the device as of unauthorized utilization. Subsequently, the device is accessed to sense the information as of associated objects by utilizing smart sensors; in addition, the communication of disparate IoT sensors is performed by employing the MQTT protocol. Utilizing the IANFIS, this sensed information as of diverse IoT devices is distributed to the specific cloud server. Then by employing the MECC, the data is sent securely to the user. Lastly, the LC is executed by means of HFPGA. To corroborate the proposed system’s effectiveness and correctness, it is compared with existing methodologies and evaluated against relevant metrics.

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Pampapathi, B.M., Nageswara Guptha, M. & Hema, M.S. Data distribution and secure data transmission using IANFIS and MECC in IoT. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 13, 1471–1484 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-020-02792-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-020-02792-4