Path route layout design is very actual and complex problem, important for improvement of transportation, traffic, travel or roads planning. Solution domain is huge and finding satisfying solution is not an easy task. Increase of number of route path points and/or increase of their resolution significantly influences search-space. This paper is focused on use of genetic algorithm for effective narrowing the search-space and focusing on interesting regions. The importance of its main parameters, their impact on the performance and the precision of the genetic algorithm are elaborated in this paper. Three domain specific solution classes based on step-by-step improvements have been presented. In order to gain high efficiency and effectiveness, guidelines for a proper set-up of genetic algorithm are given. Encoding of parameters, build-up of the fitness function, evaluation and reproduction of chromosomes, elitism and convergence affinity are discussed in detail. Advanced built-in mechanisms have been emphasized with discussion of performance improvement.

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Avdagic, Z., Smajevic, A., Omanovic, S. et al. Path route layout design optimization using genetic algorithm: based on control mechanisms for on-line crossover intersection positions and bit targeted mutation. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 13, 835–847 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-021-02937-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-021-02937-z