Managing distributed smart surveillance system is identified as a major challenging issue due to its comprehensive aggregation and analysis of video information on the cloud. In smart healthcare applications, remote patient and elderly people monitoring require a robust response and alarm alerts from surveillance systems within the available bandwidth. In order to make a robust video surveillance system, there is a need for fast response and fast data analytics among connected devices deployed in a real-time cloud environment. Therefore, the proposed research work introduces the Cloud-based Object Tracking and Behavior Identification System (COTBIS) that can incorporate the edge computing capability framework in the gateway level. It is an emerging research area of the Internet of Things (IoT) that can bring robustness and intelligence in distributed video surveillance systems by minimizing network bandwidth and response time between wireless cameras and cloud servers. Further improvements are made by incorporating background subtraction and deep convolution neural network algorithms on moving objects to detect and classify abnormal falling activity monitoring using rank polling. Therefore, the proposed IoT-based smart healthcare video surveillance system using edge computing reduces the network bandwidth and response time and maximizes the fall behavior prediction accuracy significantly comparing to existing cloud-based video surveillance systems.

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Rajavel, R., Ravichandran, S.K., Harimoorthy, K. et al. IoT-based smart healthcare video surveillance system using edge computing. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 13, 3195–3207 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-021-03157-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-021-03157-1