Continuous monitoring of air pollutants in public spaces is indispensable, for ensured wellbeing of humans. Sensor network technology enables real-time monitoring and control of physical environs from distant places using assemblages of low-cost sensor nodes. The nodes are capable of observing physical variations, like changes in air temperature and humidity and the presence of various gasses in their dedicated surroundings, and transferring their readings to a gateway using cooperative routing schemes. The environmental data recorded can provide a solid -basis to accurately identify dominant pollutant regions, the elements involved, and their triggers. In this paper, a cloud-assisted mesh sensor network solution (CMSNS) is proposed for air pollution real-time data acquisition in public regions. The sensory readings are dispatched to a cloud -server for live monitoring, processing, and sustained storage, and made obtainable on an android application for visualization. A real-time experiment is conducted to substantiate and back-up the developed solution.

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This work has been carried out under SRM IST Research and Development facility.
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Kumar, G.J.R., Agbulu, G.P., Rahul, T.V. et al. A cloud-assisted mesh sensor network solution for public zone air pollution real-time data acquisition. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 13, 4159–4173 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-022-03704-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-022-03704-4