Accurate six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) pose estimation is crucial for robust visual perception in fields such as smart manufacturing. Traditional RGB-based methods, though widely used, often face difficulties in adapting to dynamic scenes, understanding contextual information, and capturing temporal variations effectively. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel multi-modal 6-DoF pose estimation framework. This framework uses RGB images as the primary input and integrates spatial cues, including keypoint heatmaps and affinity fields, through a spatially aligned approach inspired by the Trans-UNet architecture. Our multi-modal method enhances both contextual understanding and temporal consistency. Experimental results on the Objectron dataset demonstrate that our approach surpasses existing algorithms across most categories. Furthermore, real-world tests confirm the accuracy and practical applicability of our method for robotic tasks, such as precision grasping, highlighting its effectiveness for real-world applications.

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This work was supported in part by the National Key R &D Program of China under Grant 2021YFB1714800, in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 62173034, 61925303, 62088101, and by the Chongqing Natural Science Foundation under Grant 2021ZX4100027.
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Appendix 1. Implementation of keypoint heatmaps and affinity fields
Appendix 1. Implementation of keypoint heatmaps and affinity fields
The implementation of keypoint heatmaps and affinity fields in our approach plays a crucial role in identifying object keypoints and encoding their spatial relationships. Keypoint heatmaps are utilized to locate the projections of an object’s 3D keypoints, while affinity fields capture the directional connections between each keypoint and the center point, thereby encoding the object’s structural topology. During the training process, we employ Algorithm 2 to generate 9 keypoint heatmaps and Algorithm 3 to produce 16 affinity fields per frame.
The affinity fields are specifically designed to capture the directional influences along the x and y axes from the 8 corner keypoints, excluding the center point. Both the keypoint heatmaps and affinity fields are sized \(H \times W\) to ensure spatial alignment with the input frame. An adaptive factor r is introduced to adjust the feature region based on the relative size of the target object. The keypoint coordinates \({(i_{(k, n)}, j_{(k, n)})}\) are derived from the pose annotations available in the Objectron dataset.
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Mei, Y., Wang, S., Li, Z. et al. Multi-modal 6-DoF object pose tracking: integrating spatial cues with monocular RGB imagery. Int. J. Mach. Learn. & Cyber. 16, 1327–1340 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-024-02336-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-024-02336-8