The development, design, and selection of subsea petroleum production equipment and facilities are critical activities, as the decisions made will impact the success and profitability of the project. Pre-studies need to be conducted to design the best subsea concept and to assess the development costs in order to succeed in the project execution and to keep the production rate and profits as expected. Technical, economic, and government regulations are some of the factors that need to be evaluated in order to contract subsea services and procurement activities. However, there are many other factors that should be addressed before selecting the concept. By identifying and studying these aspects, one will be able to develop and select the best equipment to cover the functions needed, as well as to identify health, safety, environmental and quality requirements and spare parts’ availability for maintenance interventions. Based on a literature study and an industrial case study, in this paper we identify, map, validate and systematically rank various aspects, factors, and design criteria that need to be addressed in the design and selection of subsea oil and gas production systems.

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Moreno-Trejo, J., Kumar, R. & Markeset, T. Mapping factors influencing the selection of subsea petroleum production systems: a case study. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 3, 6–16 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-012-0090-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-012-0090-0