In decision making of real life two stage time minimizing transportation problem (TSTMTP), we face here the state of uncertainty as well as hesitation due to some uncontrollable factors. Many authors have used fixed or fuzzy data in TSTMTP. But, TSTMTP with uncertainty and hesitation cannot be solved properly by taking fixed or fuzzy data. In present article, we have considered TSTMTP with uncertainty and hesitation of supply, demand and time. Here we have made decision of real life TSTMTP with uncertainty and hesitation by using triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (TIFNs). We have generalized expected interval and value of triangular fuzzy numbers for TIFNs which converts each TIFN to a real number, also proposed and proved some related results. Further, a method is presented for the solution of real life TSTMTP and degrees of acceptance and rejection of optimal decision are computed by using generalized Zadeh’s extension principle. Finally, proposed method is implemented in an example.
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Bharati, S.K., Malhotra, R. Two stage intuitionistic fuzzy time minimizing transportation problem based on generalized Zadeh’s extension principle. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 8 (Suppl 2), 1442–1449 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-017-0613-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-017-0613-9