In wind based micro generation schemes, 3-phase self excited induction generators are prominently used in order to fulfil single phase load requirement. Hence in this context, this paper presents a 3-phase, 5.5 kW, 415 V, 50 Hz short shunt self excited induction generator for improving the voltage regulation and optimum performance of induction machine by using heuristic approach named as gravitational search algorithm. It is used in order to get the optimum capacitance values at specified speed for optimized voltage regulation and performance characteristics in terms of root mean square error and mean absolute error and mean square error. This optimization technique works on Newton law of gravity and it provides average best results for validating the performance in order to enhance machine parameters used in wind energy conversion system.

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Intended nationally determined contributions
United Nations framework convention on climate change-conference of parties 21
- IG:
Induction generator
Self excited induction generator
Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system
Sequential unconstrained minimization technique
- PWM:
Pulse width modulation
- GSA:
Gravitational search algorithm
- HHT:
Hilbert–Huang transform
- NR:
Newton Raphson method
- Xro :
Blocked rotor reactance (pu)
- Rs, Rr :
Per phase stator and rotor resistance (pu)
- Xs, Xr :
Per phase stator and rotor leakage reactance (pu)
- Xm, X unsm :
Magnetizing and unsaturated magnetizing reactance per phase (pu)
- F, v :
Frequency of generated voltage and prime mover speed (pu)
- Css, Cse :
Shunt and series capacitance (µF)
- Xss, Xse :
Reactance offered by Css, Cse (pu)
- Rl, Xl :
Load resistance and reactance (pu)
- €:
- Rij :
Euclidian distance between agent i and j
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Appendix 1: Specification of self excited induction generator
5.5 kW, 415 V, 10.1 A (line), Δ connected, 4 Pole, 50 Hz
Rs = 0.0632pu, Rr = 0.0247pu, Xs = 0.0633pu, Xr = 0.0632pu, X unsm = 3.48 pu.
Appendix 2: Coefficients of Ztotal
The coefficients P and Q are defined as:
The performance parameters are:
vg = vg1 * freq
zs = rs + j(freq.Xs)
zr = freq.Rr/(freq − v) + jfreq.Xr;
zcL = − jrL(xc/freq)/(rL − jxc/freq)
is = vg/(zs + zcL)
isss = abs(is)
iL = (− j(xc/freq)/(− j(xc/freq) + rL)).is
iLrms = abs(iL)
otpr = iLrms * rL
vt = iLrms * (rL)
var = vt * freq/xc
ir = − vg/zr
irrms = abs(ir)
The complete methodology adopted for optimum performance of SEIG machine has been shown in Fig. 7. The flowchart includes all the steps from machine parameters to performance characteristics.
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Paliwal, S., Sinha, S.K. & Chauhan, Y.K. Gravitational search algorithm based optimization technique for enhancing the performance of self excited induction generator. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 10, 1082–1090 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-019-00838-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-019-00838-1