The FIR digital filter has linear phase, reduced finite precision errors, stability, and productive execution and it is used in Digital Signal Processing (DSP). Signal data processing applications require both signed and unsigned multiplications. Despite its high cost, signed Multiplications are used in a wide number of DSP applications. This paper propose signed vedic multiplier having High speed and low power for finite impulse response. High performance and low power is achieved by parallel operations and adopting Urdhva Triyakbhyam sutra (vertically and crosswise multiplication) in vedic multiplier. The proposed vedic multiplier architecture is implemented and compared with existing conventional radix-4 Booth multiplier.it is observed from the result that the proposed technique results in a 15% increase in speed and 52% reduction in power consumption.
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- DSP:
Digital signal processing
- FIR:
Finite impulse response
- BW2:
Radix-2 Baugh-Wooley
- BR4:
Radix-4 booth-recoded
Appropriate Wallace tree multiplier
- CSA:
Carry save adder
Field programmable gate array
- RCA:
Ripple carry adder
Modified Russian peasant multiplier
- MAC:
Multiplication and accumulation
- KNN:
K-nearest neighbor
- CAD:
Computer aided design
Fractional Fourier transform
- RTL:
Register transfer level
- CLA:
Carry look-ahead adder
- UT:
- LSB:
Least significant bit
- MSB:
Most significant bit
- EDA:
Electronic design automation
Graphic data system II
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Priya, N.M., Thangammal, C.B., Seshasayanan, R. et al. High performance fir filter based on vedic mathematics. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 14, 829–835 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-023-01899-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-023-01899-z