Workplaces are changing drastically, digitalization is having an impact on behaviors and knowledge, and communities are growing more diverse as well as global. In the era of increased global capitalism and profitable progress in the economic ecosystem, talent management has developed into one of the key goals for every corporate entity. The caliber of a company's human capital determines how well it performs, and methods for enhancing those resources can improve staff capabilities. The primary objective of this research is to observe how organizational and employee effectiveness are affected by human resource development methods in business companies. An explanatory method is proposed from the statistical technique utilized for the analysis of data. The results demonstrate that employee productivity is significantly impacted by human resources development techniques, which increases organizational effectiveness. The results also show an extremely noteworthy relationship between personnel sustainable development and managerial sustainability. Additionally, this study recommends that choice organizations try to design the enhancement of human capital strategies that would aid in enhancing staff competency and bolster workers' ability to complete desired organizational success and achievement. This work advances the knowledge base about organizational outcomes, employee performance, and the advancement of human resources. Furthermore, there are major, in-depth theoretical and practical consequences of this study.

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Data availability statement
The suggested method was applied in two phases. The initial phase was gathering data, which came from 280 customersof the online business firms by providing a questionnaire with a set of 45 questions. The research was primarily focused on employee and organizational efficiency like organizational performance, organizational leadership, employee engagement, employee compensation, organizational communication, and employee empowerment.
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Dwivedi, R.K., Anand, A., Chatterjee, A. et al. Effectiveness of human resources development strategies on organizational performance: an empirical study. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 15, 5097–5110 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-024-02385-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-024-02385-w