The proposed algorithm is based on the combination of enhanced seagull optimization (ESO) algorithm, differential evolution (DE) algorithm, wild horse optimization (WHO) algorithm with probability matrix to solve optimization problems. The seagull optimized algorithm is enhanced to avoid premature convergence. A probabilistic matrix with an equal value of each location is generated having 3 columns and the number of populations as rows. The three columns represent enhanced seagull optimization algorithm, differential evolution algorithm, and wild horse optimization algorithm respectively. Initial decision vector is generated in the bound. The probabilistic matrix after each iteration is updated with respect to minimum fitness value among 3 algorithms for each population. The decision vector for the next stage is decided based on the highest value of probability matrix. This stage improves the learning process and reduces the convergence rate. The updation of the probabilistic matrix and selection of decision vector for the next stage is continued until certain criteria are achieved. The optimized result of the proposed algorithm is the final minimum value. The proposed methodology is validated by comparing mean, standard deviation, best and worst value with ten other algorithms for 95 functions of CEC-2021. These algorithms are Archimedes optimization, wild horse optimizer, cuckoo search, differential evolution, black widow optimization, seagull optimization, whale optimization, arithmetic optimization, coot optimization, enterprise development (ED), hybrid jellyfish search and particle swarm optimization (HJPSO), modified lightning search algorithm (MLSA), polar lights optimizer (PLO), and parrot optimizer algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed methodology was also validated statistically with the ten methodologies The proposed methodology is also verified by five real-time engineering optimization problems. The results show better performance of the proposed algorithm compared to other algorithms.

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Here, in the above Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 represents different approaches such as AROA, WHO, DE, CSA, SOA, WOA, BWOA, AOA, MSOA, COOT, E, HJSPSO, PO, PLO, MLSA, and PA.
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Panigrahy, D., Samal, P. A novel hybrid ESO-DE-WHO algorithm for solving real-engineering optimization problems. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 16, 254–309 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-024-02609-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-024-02609-z