We present the main ideas of answer set planning in both single- and multi-agent environments. Specifically, we describe a systematic translation of a dynamic domain—given as set of statements in an action language such as \(\mathcal{B}\)—into a logic program which can be used for planning and other reasoning tasks (e.g., diagnosis) given the dynamic domain. We illustrate the issues of answer set planning in different settings and their solutions using a well-known problem domain, the Kiva robot system.

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Son, T.C., Balduccini, M. Answer Set Planning in Single- and Multi-agent Environments. Künstl Intell 32, 133–141 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13218-018-0546-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13218-018-0546-8