Phishing is a cyber-attack which generates a fake website that imitates a trusted website to steal the sensitive information such as username, password, and credit card information. Despite the use of several anti-phishing approaches, online users are still getting trapped into revealing the sensitive information. Hence, in this paper, we propose an intelligent model with an ensemble of various feature selection techniques to detect phishing sites with a significant performance. We have used various machine learning algorithms for identifying the best classifier and developed an ensemble model with Random forest, Decision tree and XGBoost algorithms. We have also used various feature selection ensembles for the classification of phishing websites. From our experimental analysis, we achieved an accuracy of 97.51% in the detection process with dataset from UCI (Dataset 1) and also achieved an accuracy of 98.45% with phishing dataset for machine learning from Mendeley (Dataset 2). Also, the proposed model outperformed baseline models with a significant difference.

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The authors would like to thank Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (Meity), Government of India for their support in part of the research.
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Ramana, A.V., Rao, K.L. & Rao, R.S. Stop-Phish: an intelligent phishing detection method using feature selection ensemble. Soc. Netw. Anal. Min. 11, 110 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13278-021-00829-w
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13278-021-00829-w