This paper proposes a fault attack on Enocoro stream cipher family. The differential random fault method is one of the most popular methods to analyses cryptographic mechanisms. To attack Enocoro algorithm, the relationships between two distinct parts of cipher buffer b and internal state “a” are exploited. The attack has been applied on two important versions of the family based on the differential random value fault model to recover the internal state of ciphers. For most members of Enocoro algorithm family, the proposed attack can be applied with a maximum of four faults. The results show Encoro-80 and Encoro-128 are broken with time complexity 216 and 229 respectively by using only 2 random value faults. The results have been checked by software implementations and prove the cipher is quite vulnerable against the proposed fault attack.

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Appendix 1: Attack path on the version 128 with 2 fault
Appendix 1 shows the path of recovering internal state in Enocoro-128v2 algorithm. The path exploits two faults to recover the state. Figure 6 presents the attack steps on Enocoro-128.
Appendix 2: Attack path on the general version of Enocoro with 4 fault
This appendix shows the path of recovering internal state of the general version of Enocoro algorithm. The path exploits four faults to recover the state. Figure
7 presents the attack steps on the cipher.
Note: In Fig. 7, for simplicity, we do not show the injection location of second, third and fourth faults. The location and time of these faults are based on their effect occurring at the intended time in \({b}_{{q}_{1}}.\)
It should be noted that if the following two inequalities are satisfied, then the adversary definitely needs four faults to successfully apply the attack. If any of these inequalities are removed, one fault injection is reduced.
(k2-k1) > (k3 − k2).
(k3- k2) > (k4 − k3).
The proposed attack works when \({k}_{1}\text{. . . }{k}_{4}\) (which indicate \({\text{b}}_{\text{k1}}\text{, . . . ,}{\text{b}}_{\text{k4}}\) as inputs of buffer b which are used to update the internal state a) satisfy the above inequalities. The reason for this issue is the distance between cells to inject the faults. The cells in which the fault is injected are the cells related to updating the content of a (cells with ki index). Therefore, it can be generally concluded that a maximum of four faults are needed to accomplish the attack.
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Rostami, S., Orumiehchiha, M.A., Shakour, E. et al. Fault attack on Enocoro stream cipher family. J Cryptogr Eng 15, 3 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13389-024-00367-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13389-024-00367-z