Controlled vocabularies are increasingly made available on the Web of Data using the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) ontology. Assessment of vocabulary quality is important for determining the suitability of vocabularies for reuse in applications and for improving vocabulary development processes. We define 26 quality issues, i.e., computable functions that expose potential quality problems. In an analysis of a representative set of 24 SKOS vocabularies, we found all of them to contain structural errors and/or other quality problems. We propose a set of correction heuristics which we have used to automatically correct a significant proportion of the identified problems. Our reference implementations of these methods, the quality assessment tool qSKOS and the quality improvement tool Skosify, are available for reuse as open-source software.

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In particular, neither OWL nor OWL 2 include any means to express the integrity condition S14: “A resource has no more than one value of skos:prefLabel per language tag.”
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We thank Eero Hyvönen, Jouni Tuominen, and Miika Alonen for giving insightful comments and support; Andreas Blumauer and Alexander Kreiser for technical assistance with the PoolParty checker; and Andrew Gibson and Tom Dent for providing RDF dumps of the Peroxisome Knowledge Base and the Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary. The work is supported by the FWF P21571 Meketre project, the National Semantic Web Ontology project in Finland FinnONTO (2003–2012), and the Linked Data Finland project (2012–2014).
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Suominen, O., Mader, C. Assessing and Improving the Quality of SKOS Vocabularies. J Data Semant 3, 47–73 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13740-013-0026-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13740-013-0026-0