In this work, we present some properties of the fuzzy Laplace transform with the notion of linearly correlated differentiability also called L-differentiability. These properties are used to solve a interactive fuzzy initial value problem.
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This research was partially supported by CNPq under Grant No. 306546/2017-5.
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Communicated by Anibal Tavares de Azevedo.
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Salgado, S.A.B., Esmi, E., Sánchez, D.E. et al. Solving interactive fuzzy initial value problem via fuzzy Laplace transform. Comp. Appl. Math. 40, 26 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-020-01404-3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-020-01404-3