Recent advancements in technology and changing consumer behaviour have presented several opportunities for companies. Companies are extensively using mobile apps to facilitate transactions and improve service delivery. The use of mobile apps has led to a shift from websites (desktop/mobile) enabled transactions to a mobile-based interface. However, from an organization’s viewpoint websites are crucial for branding and are perceived as cost-effective. Thus, to retain and attract consumers to websites, this research proposes inclusion of cultural and promotional dimensions into travel websites to make them more appealing to consumers. It implies customization of travel websites according to cultural and religious nuances for improving the service experience. Also, this study examines the role of network effect and website characteristics on website continuance intention. Data collected from 356 users of Indian travel websites was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The findings suggest that referent network size and perceived complementarity influence network benefits which have an impact on customers’ website continuance intention. Website characteristics like ease of information accessibility, interactivity, promotional and pilgrimage offers emerged as antecedents to website continuance intention. This research will create a better understanding of e-commerce system amongst managers of websites and guide them in designing strategy for retaining consumers.
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Khare, A., Dixit, S. & Sarkar, S. Factors affecting website continuance intention: a study of Indian travel websites. Inf Technol Tourism 22, 243–271 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40558-019-00162-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40558-019-00162-1