Recent advancements in the domain of virtual reality have culminated in the development of the Metaverse, a comprehensive virtual environment fostering interactions among individuals and digital entities. This study undertakes an analytical exploration of the Metaverse’s implications on mental health, overall well-being, and disability with a focused application to the tourism sector. The constructed model incorporates variables such as activity type within the Metaverse, usage frequency, and an individual’s existing mental health state and consideration for disability. Using Habitat Simulator and the Oculus Rift simulator, the research simulates diverse scenarios to discern the Metaverse’s influence on mental health, including its impact on individuals with disabilities in a tourism context. Our findings reveal a dichotomous impact: the nature of the engaged activity governs whether the effects on mental health and well-being, including those specific to disability, are beneficial or detrimental. The present research enhances the understanding of the Metaverse’s impact on mental health, well-being, and disability, and its potential to transform conventional tourism practices and marketing strategies. By emphasizing the activity type within its impact studies, the research provides insights for enhancing the beneficial effects and mitigating the harmful repercussions of the Metaverse, especially in tourism. The study also underscores the importance of establishing monitoring systems and personalized interventions to safeguard individuals’ well-being in the Metaverse, capitalizing on its potential to augment tourism experiences. This bears significance for policymakers, mental health practitioners, and tourism industry professionals in their collective efforts to encourage responsible usage and maximize the positive effects of the Metaverse. In contributing to the wider comprehension of the psychological effects of nascent technologies, this research accentuates their implications for individuals and industries, with a specific emphasis on the impact of the Metaverse on mental health, overall well-being, and disability in the tourism sector.

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The authors extend their appreciation to the King Salman center For Disability Research for funding this work through Research Group No. KSRG-2023-449.
This study was funded by King Salman Center for Disability Research through Research Group No. KSRG-2023-449.
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Ud Din, I., Almogren, A. Exploring the psychological effects of Metaverse on mental health and well-being. Inf Technol Tourism 25, 367–389 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40558-023-00259-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40558-023-00259-8