Online customer reviews (OCRs) provide much information about products or service, but the mass of information increases the difficulty for customers to make decisions. Thus, we establish a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) model to evaluate products or service. To analyze OCRs, the sentiment analysis (SA) is introduced to identify the sentiment orientation of reviews. Considering that the textual information in OCRs is linguistic information, probabilistic linguistic term sets (PLTSs) are applied to present the results of the SA. A process of extracting probabilistic linguistic information based on SA from OCRs is also presented. Then, for the MCDM problems with unknown criteria weights, we combine the PP (projection pursuit) method and the MULTIMOORA (multiplicative multi-objective optimization by ratio analysis) method, and develop an extended method (named as the PP-MULTIMOORA method). The projection pursuit (PP) method is developed to derive objective criteria weights and the MULTIMOORA method is to derive final rankings of products or service. Finally, we apply the proposed model to a case of evaluating doctors’ service quality and further conduct a comparative analysis to illustrate the effectiveness of our work.

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This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 71771155, 71571123), the scholarship under the UK-China Joint Research and Innovation Partnership Fund PhD Placement Programme (No. 201806240416) and the Teacher-Student Joint Innovation Research Fund of Business School of Sichuan University (No. H2018016).
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Li, Y., Zhang, Y. & Xu, Z. A Decision-Making Model Under Probabilistic Linguistic Circumstances with Unknown Criteria Weights for Online Customer Reviews. Int. J. Fuzzy Syst. 22, 777–789 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40815-020-00812-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40815-020-00812-1