Energy is an inseparable aspect of the twenty-first century; its utilization and availability have become highly relevant to the issues of climate change and growing demands. Welding is another vital manufacturing process that requires special attention due to its energy-intensive nature and environmental burdens. Thus, a study addressing energy consumption in welding processes without compromising product quality is the need of the hour. This study looks into the energy consumption of the seldom reported electron beam welding (EBW) process while welding a popular nickel-based superalloy (Inconel 825) without compromising quality by maintaining optimal weld strength of the weldments. Four EBW parameters viz., beam current (I), accelerating voltage (V), welding speed (S), and beam oscillation (O) are selected, and their influence on the net input energy (Enet) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) is studied. The V is found as the dominant process parameter that has a direct influence on the Enet and UTS of the weldments. A Study on sensitivity analysis inferred that the value of UTS of the weldments is highly sensitive to the change in accelerating voltage sensitivity (0–300 MPa/kV). A weldment produced with an intermediate or higher Enet has determined to have the highest achievable UTS. Furthermore, a modified integrated optimization methodology combining fuzzy logic (FL) modeling with the meta-heuristic-based particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed to satisfy both objectives, i.e., minimize net input energy (Enet) consumption while achieving the desired ultimate tensile strength (UTS). The methodology yields a minimum Enet of 0.1243 kJ/mm, at parameter settings of V = 60 kV, I = 38 mA, S = 1100.4 mm/min, O = 200 Hz, achieving UTS of 701.8196 MPa. The validation at the optimal parameter setting yields UTS of 711.3214 MPa with a deviation of 1.354% and is observed to be highly consistent with a faster convergence rate in the consistency test suggesting the superiority and robustness of the FL-PSO algorithm.

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- EBW:
Electron beam welding
- FL:
Fuzzy logic
- PSO:
Particle swarm optimization
Shielded metal arc welding
- SMSs:
Sustainable manufacturing strategies
- PSI:
Process sustainability index
- FSW:
Friction stir welding
- LBW:
Laser beam welding
Gas tungsten arc welding
- LCA:
Life cycle analysis
- PAW:
Plasma arc welding
Gas metal arc welding
- NSO:
Neutrosophic optimization
- ABC:
Artificial bee colony
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy interface system
- ANN:
Artificial neural network
Teaching learning-based optimization
- GA:
Genetic algorithm
Non dominated sorting genetic algorithm
Differential evolution for multi-objective
- ELM:
Extreme learning machine
- AHP:
Analytical hierarchy process
- RSM:
Response surface methodology
Multi-criteria decision making
- GRA:
Grey relational analysis
- DoE:
Design of experiments
- CCD:
Central composite design
Wire cut electro-discharge machining
- FIS:
Fuzzy inference system
- (ANOVA).:
Analysis of variance
- COG:
Centre of gravity
- LSA:
Local sensitivity analysis
- GSA:
Global sensitivity analysis
- APE:
Average percentage error
- PA:
Prediction accuracy
- MA:
Model accuracy
- I :
Beam current
- V :
Accelerating voltage
- S :
Welding speed
- O :
Beam oscillation
- E ne t :
Net input energy
- UTS :
Ultimate tensile strength
- P w :
Beam power
- Y :
Response characteristics
- ξ :
Error term
- ρ b :
Coefficients of linear terms
- ρ bb :
Coefficients of square terms
- ρ bc :
Coefficients of interaction terms
- R 2 :
Coefficient of determination
- R adj 2 :
Adjusted coefficient of determination
- p best :
Particles individual best solution
- g best :
Population's overall best solution
- d :
Number of process variables
- c 1 ,c 2 :
Learning factor
- r 1, r 2 :
Random numbers
- w :
Inertia weight
- v ij t :
Updated velocity of particles
- \({\widehat{UTS}}_{a}\).:
Achievable or actual (required)UTS
- UTS a * :
Highest permitted UTS
- ζ I :
Beam current sensitivity
- ζ S :
Welding speed sensitivity
- ζ V :
Accelerating voltage sensitivity
- ζ O :
Beam oscillation sensitivity
- \(\overline{Y }\) :
Model predicted value
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Choudhury, B., Chandrasekaran, M. Electron Beam Welding Investigation of Inconel 825 and Optimize Energy Consumption Using Integrated Fuzzy Logic-Particle Swarm Optimization Approach. Int. J. Fuzzy Syst. 25, 1377–1399 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40815-022-01431-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40815-022-01431-8