With the rise of high-speed networks and remote collaboration platforms, it has become a trend for companies to form group collaboration teams based on open innovation, but there is still a lack of research and mechanism design for group collaboration practices. This research attempts to transfer the open innovation group collaboration model to the design team collaboration environment, and investigates the designer's behaviour model, including originality, profitability and output, based on the task of product colour matching design. The modelling method and the colour-matching design simulation platform proposed in this paper provide a real design platform that can be evaluated, enabling the strategic optimisation of combinations of design subjects with multiple behavioural characteristics, and finding a relatively optimal teamwork model by adjusting the team structure, providing a theoretical and practical basis for the personalised design of design team operation models.

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This research was funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province of China (LQ20F020023) and the MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences (19YJA850012).
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Zhang, L., Li, M., Sun, Y. et al. Color matching design simulation platform based on collaborative collective intelligence. CCF Trans. Pervasive Comp. Interact. 4, 61–75 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42486-022-00088-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42486-022-00088-4